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"I need to talk to you,"

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"I need to talk to you,"

Chaerin turned around in surprise at the sudden voice.
"Mark? What's wrong?" She asked confused as to why his expression remained serious.

He said nothing, eyes flickering around the room before he nodded over to an empty room.
She made eye contact with Jisung who was across the cafeteria buying food for her.

Chaerin offered him a small smile to ease him as she followed Mark who was silent the whole time when they reached the room and he shut the door behind them.

"What is it Mark, you're worrying me now."

The boy sighed, massaging his temples.
"I don't know how to explain this to you without it sounding complicated."

Chaerin remained quiet, heard pounding in her chest and biting her lip to contain her anxiety.

"When we sent you off to be a Human, we didn't realise a complication that had been made at your death." He began explaining.

"When they bit you- Jisung and Jeno...it didn't work because you were dead but..."

"But what?"

"He cried over you, the tears of a Demon fell on you."

"I love you!" He cried out, unable to stop the sobs racking his body and tears dripping off his cheeks and onto his dead lover.

"I-i don't understand-" she breathed out, hands trembling and unsure what this meant.

Mark, with sympathetic eyes, couldn't even manage a smile.
"You're still bonded, that why the bite mark is still there." He clarified.

"Wait but...I'm a Human."
Mark nodded hesitantly.

"Only if he doesn't drain you fully of your blood."


"If he kills you, you'll turn into a Demon."

Jisung was staring at his girlfriend as she gnawed down on her bottom lip anxiously after sharing what Mark had said to her.

The demon sighed, his hand cupping the side of her face as his thumb pressed onto her bottom lip- dragging it down to stop her from biting at it.

"Stop worrying so much."
"I'm not worrying." She lied to which Jisung gave her an unconvinced glance, causing her to sigh and lean her head on his shoulder.

"Okay I'm worrying."
A short deep chuckle vibrated at his chest, his hand pulling her chin up as he stared down into her eyes.

"I think I still promise you a date." He spoke, watching as her lips curved up into a smile.

That's how Jisung and Chaerin found themselves at the ice skating rink- her bent over laughing at the boy who kept losing his balance.

He shot her a glare to which she sobered up from her hysterics, skating over to the boy and grabbing both his hands.

"Okay here, babe look at my feet and just copy okay?" She spoke, slowly guiding him.

Jisung found himself getting lost in her, the way her eyes sparkled under the light and her lips gleamed as she smiled.

"Are you even listening?"
"Sorry, I got distracted." He admitted sheepishly and Chaerin couldn't help but giggle- rolling her eyes.

"Well, have fun falling on your ass." She grumbled, making a move to leave but his hand still gripped onto hers to stop her.

"Hey," he protested, pulling her back towards him as she went crashing into his chest and clung onto him so she didn't fall.

"If you give me a kiss I'll forgive you for eating my cookie earlier." Chaerin spoke, mischievous glint in her eyes.

Jisung nodded with a smile, leaning down towards her but as their noses brushed against each other's- the girl suddenly escaped from his grip and began to skate off.

"Only if you can catch me first!"

"Only if you can catch me first!"

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Exhale ⤫ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now