23. Disbelief

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"I spent spent 10 years down in that hole, training my chakra so I would be able to get out," you ended the story, the silver-haired man giving a questioning look. You knew yourself that it was hard to believe, if someone had told you something like this you wouldn't have believed it either. Hidan remained silent, thinking about everything you had said, trying to decide which question to ask first. So before he could hit you with a barrage of questions, you decided to give some evidence to support your claim. Pushing up the sleeve of your shirt on your left arm, you exposed the darkness which covered it. 

"I know that it all sounds unbelievable but all of this is true. Machi allowed me to borrow her strength so I could come back and complete a final task before she will eventually take over my body completely, killing me." Pulling the collar of your shirt aside, you exposed how far the darkness had spread, nearly completely swallowing your sholder. 

"It's moving very slowly but the outcome is inevitable," you finished, waiting for any kind of response from Hidan. But before words, came actions. The Jashinist, who was usually very loud and obnoxious, muttered a quiet thanks before walking out of the room. You weren't exactly sure what that meant to him, whether he thought you were lying and was angry at you or if he just needed some time to think about it. He had just been given a lot of information and you hoped that was the reason he had left so suddenly. 

Sitting silence, you took some time to go over your thoughts. You found telling your story to be very therapeutic , getting everything you had experienced off your chest. Hidan may not have been the best option, but due to your connection to Jashin, he would be the only one interested enough to be willing to listen. Sure there was Konan, but you didn't want to worry her with any of that. Because not only would it show how hard you had trained to get back, it would inform her that even after returning you would eventually die and leaver her again. As for Nagato, the real him wasn't here now and despite how you knew his actions were wrong, you loved him and wished for whatever he wanted. His methods to reach world peace may not have been ideal, but you would stand beside him until your death. 

The sound of footsteps, despite how quiet they were, startled you. Snapping your head in the direction of the noise, your eyes met with those of the Uchiha, Itachi. He entered the living room, taking Hidan's spot on the couch opposite you. His back remained straight as he sat down, his hands resting on his thighs. He sat in silence, waiting for you to say something. 

His presence surprised you, making you wonder if he had heard anything that you had told Hidan. And because you didn't hear his footsteps in the hallway, you guessed that he had been standing outside the living room for a while.

"How much did you hear?" you asked, not afraid to look up into his eyes. At this precise moment, they were dark in colour, showing no sign of the sharingan. 

"Everything," he answered, his voice without emotion. You weren't sure what to say in response to that, not having anything to say to the Uchiha either. He wasn't the kind of person you wanted to share this information with but you had a few things in common, not that he knew about them. You watched as his eyes drifted to the bracelet which hung from your right wrist. Despite him already knowing about your family being murdered and that each Jashinist symbol, there being 5 all together, represented one person, he looked as he wanted to know more. 

"Your family, who killed them?" he asked. It was a very intrusive question and to add to his insenitivity, his voice sounded dull as if he held no interest in anything. But you knew that he meant no harm and that if you were to die soon, someone else knowing would mean nothing. 

"It was me, I was the one who killed them," you answered, sounding content with the way everything had played out. You did not regret your actions.


It was a one word question which opened many doors to many different answers, things you didn't care about others learning and things which you wished would stay buried forever. But in this moment, after admitting something so personal already, you had no problems with letting the answers roll off your tongue. 

"The Jashinist group which my family was a part of planned on wiping out an entire village. The day before the attack would commence, I entered the village and experienced for myself what it was like. People were smiling and living happily, it wasn't the horrible place my parents had described to me at all, they were just living and making the most of their lives. So, wanting to keep the people of that village alive and thriving, I decided that I would need to get rid of the ones who would cause them harm, even if those people were my friends and family." You paused telling your story, thinking back over that time. How you, despite being so young, made the decision to wipe out all that you knew and loved for the sake of other's happiness. 

"On the night before the attack, I wiped out the entirety of our group and left my family for last. My mother, father, older sisters and then finally, my younger brother. With 'Readers' despite their immense strength and abilities, they have many flaws. They tend to be the most empathetic and emotional of the group, this usually leads to a lot of suicides when it comes to 'Readers'. The reasons can vary, from the overwhelming sadness that comes with the knowledge of how their  loved ones are going to die or the fear that the so called 'demon' within them will be let loose, killing hundreds. I made the mistake of trying to save my little brother. I remember seeing his death first, the group still killing like always, him being killed by ninja from another village in the future whence was in his late teens. But as I killed him, I watched his fate change. It was too late but I let my emotions take over and I tried to save him. After using too much of my life energy, my body tried to balance it out and that was when I completely lost control. I passed out but I know what happened. The 'demon' tried to correct the balance of life and death and went straight to the village I was trying to protect. Everything I tried to protect was taken by my own hand, the village and my family."

You left it there, Itachi seeming content with the answer he received. Standing from his seat, he approached the door which lead to the hallway. But before he left, he paused.

"So in the vision of your family's death, it was you?"

You didn't bother responding since he already knew the answer to his questions. The one you had spent years protecting them from was yourself. You were the reason for their deaths and despite the guilt you felt, you knew that it had good long term effects. Less people would die by their hands and you hoped less groups like the one you had grown up in would form. So no one would have to suffer the pain of coming across a Jashinist or becoming a 'Reader'.

Been a while since I've updated and I'm happy to finally get all this info on her past out. Yes, (Y/n) did kill her family and everyone else in her group that's why I felt it only appropriate that Itachi be the one to ask her. And Hidan, despite how cut throat and rude he is, I'd like to show a more... I'm not sure what to call it... innocence? There is no way he is innocent because of how vulgar he is but in terms of knowledge about the deeper parts of his own religion that he didn't get to experience since he was never a part of a group like (Y/n)'s. I hope that makes sense, thank you for reading :)

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