
3.5K 121 51

Kim Seokjin
Age: 22
Height: Tall

Kim Seokjin Age: 22 Height: TallCriminal

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Status: Fine as fuck

Kills: 230 people

Majority: Males in their 30-60's they were usually crime bosses and drug lords.

Jin rolled his eyes as he read over his files but smiled because that's a good ass picture.

" Thirsty ass people I swear." He said and placed the file down he washed his hands to get the blood off of him he just finished his mission to kill the wife of a rapist what amazes him is that the rapist actually had a wife.

" Alright well I'm done for today I'm going to go take my ass to sleep." He said as he got in his car and drove home it was a nice sized house it didn't scream

Hey Maffia boss lives here!

Because he wasn't dumb enough to go buy some big ass out of this world house and then people be like hmmm that's suspicious so he kept it on the low low.

He pulled into his drive way and was thankful he didn't have to run into Ms. Frenkal his nosy ass neighbor.

" Alright time too- what the fuck is this?" He said as he looked down he saw some kids at his door two of them looked about 5 and 4 the others we like 3-2 and the youngest was in that baby holder thing he looked about 12 months but their was a note attached to one of their hands he picked it up and read it.

Hello please take care of my angels for I can not, I beg of you find it in your heart to watch my babies their names are Yoongi he is the oldest he has black hair he is born March 9th Hobi he is the second oldest he has brown hair he is born February 18th Namjoon he is the middle child he has green hair he is born September 12 Jimin and Taehyung they are twins one has blue hair the other has red they are born October 13 and my youngest Jungkook he is only a few months his birthday is on the 1st of September please love them I beg of you.


" Ha a place in my heart nope not my problem not my kids lady you shouldn't have done what you did." He said and stepped over them and unlocked his door.

" E-Eomma? A-Are you our Eomma?" He heard a faint voice say he looked over and saw the red haired boy he supposed was Taehyung looked at him while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Now Jin wasn't going to lie the boy was a cute kid. But not cute enough.

" No sorry I'm-"

" J-Jimin Jimin Eomma! Eomma!" He said and rocked the blue haired boy awake Jin saw him and he was also cute but he looked a little more thinner than his brother.

" R-Really Eomma! Yay Yay Hyungs Hyungs our Eomma!" The boys said and soon the others woke up the one he assumed to be Namjoon tried to get up but stumbled over his own feet it made Jin chuckle these kids were kind of cute.

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