The Fuck is you

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"Hello son." The man at the door said Jimin instantly launch's to hide behind Jin giving Jin a sign this man isn't welcome.

"How are you?" Jin asked the man smiled.

"I'm their father please hand them over to me." The man said and reached for Namjoon who quickly kicked him in his knee and ran to BamBam. Jin growled no one try's to get his babies.

"Um no I think the f not you can see the damn door and kiss my Korean ass." Jin spat at the man he rolled his eyes Jin's mama mode was switched on and the boys backed away knowing this was getting ugly Jungkook however found joy in this moments so the little one giggled.

Jin took off his belt and slapped the man against the thigh with it.

"I know I know I KNOW you did NOT just roll them damn eyes at me who the F U C to the mother fucking K do you think you are? is you Jesus I think not because Jesus at least used deodorant don't fuck with me because I will beat your ass like you have went and stole something let me tell you something back in my day we gave ass whippins not whoppings but whippins if we needed to tear that ass up for being disrespectful in a house you don't pay for what bill have you paid?"


"Ok so why the hell is you rollin your damn eyes as if you have paid some bills? Do you have roll your eyes money I think not your ass coming in here looking like a 5 year old done went and ran you over with a fucking plane and you think you have the right to come in here scare my babies and REACH for one of them like you have paid bills you have not fead them you have not laughed cried and or been angry with them to sit here and roll your eyes at me let me tell you something I may be in my 20's but that don't mean my ass whippin hand is out of condition I will fuck you up playing games about my babies do you understand now see your sorry ass out my house!" Jin said Jungkook was laughing so hard the man glares at him. Jin beat his ass with the belt.

"Glare at my baby one more time and I will fire that ass up and take a shower smellin like the back of horse balls!" Jin pushes the man out the door the boys clapped for him he smiled and held his babies.

The man outside however upset that he was defeated was coming up with another plan because those kids will be his again.

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