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Yoongi's POV
I was dropped off at school and we all said by to Eomma and Jungkook and the twins. I was walking to my class after dropping off my brothers and I entered my class kids stared at me the kid in my class what's his name uhhh oh! Ruki freaks me out he tells me weird stuff.

" Hi Yoongi!" Ruki says to me I wave and sit in my seat he leans over and kiss my cheek.

" YAH! My cheek is for my Eomma!" I say and wipe it off he giggles and sits in his seat next to me. I huff and look at the teacher who enters the class ugh math what do we need 2+2 for?

~time skip~

It's recess and me and my brothers all have the same recess we're playing on the swings and laughing until I saw this girl walk up to Ruki who was playing in the grass by himself he was enjoying to flowers he looked pretty.

" Why do you keep staring at that boy Yoongi?" Hobi asked Namjoon sat on the other swing next to me.

" I-I don't know." I said Namjoon and Hobi looked at each other and smirked.

" What's his name?" They asked

" R-Ruki. His name is Seo Ruki." I said


" N-No nu uh I don't like Ruki!" I said I looked back over at Ruki and a girl in my class was standing behind him but he looked scared he had tears in his eyes.

" Hey I'm going to go talk to him I will be back." I said they giggled as I walked away.

" Hi Ruki!" I said and approached him he looked at me and walked away that's was mean.

" Hi Yoongi!" The girl said I looked at her.

" Am I supposed to know you?" I asked she looked said then laughed.

" Of course silly I'm Ren Kumi!" She says I nod and look around her for Ruki.

" Why did he walk away from me...?" I said Kumi looked at me.

" Why do you care?" She asked I looked at her and sighed.

" I don't know he is very nice to me and everyone I don't want him hurt." I said Kumi rolled her eyes.

" What's so good about him I'm much better Yoongi we would look like a better couple." She said and got closer to me but I pushed her because I saw Ruki and I ran over and hugged him.

" Your a meanie you left me!" I said he looked down.

" Ruki...?"

" Yoongi I shouldn't talk to you Kumi wouldn't like it if I did she said that you only talked to me out of sadness." He said I shook my head no fast.

" NO! Your a good person your funny and cute don't listen to her she is mean!HEY KUMI YOUR A POOP BOOTY!" I said he smiled and I kissed his cheek this time his face was so cute.

" T-Thanks Yoongi!" He says and the bell rings for them to go back inside.

~Time skip~
I was getting in the car and Eomma looks at me.

" Um yes Eomma?" I say he points out the window.

" I think Ruki wants to tell you bye." He says and I turn around and see him wave at me I smile and wave back I run over and hug him as well he laughs which I think is pretty.

" Bye Ruki!" I said he smiled

" Bye Yoongi!" He says to me and I get into the car with a big smile on my face then I look up and we're home Eomma says Appa is home with Kookie but Eomma says he wants to take me to the store.

" Why are we here Eomma?" I asked he looks and me and picks me up.

" My lovely do you want to get Ruki a Valentine's Day gift?" He said my eyes widened and I nod yes and he says to go pick out something and I pick a bunch of candy and I see a teddy bear and a toy power ranger I grab those as well because I love the pink ranger.

" Alright lets go." He says as we walk out the store I see this boy he looks cold and hungry I tug Eomma's shirt we walk over to the boy.

" Are you hungry?" I asked the boy doesn't look up he just nods he seems really thin.

" Here you go it's candy but I hope it does something!" I said the boy looks up and I drop my candy.

" R-Ruki!" I said he looks at me and Eomma walks over and bends down next to him.

" M-My mommy hasn't come home in 3 months and my brother can't help me anymore I-Im sorry." He says and tears fall from his face I quickly hand him his gifts.

" N-No here you go it's gifts for y-you I got them for you!" I said he looks at them.

" Wow you got me a power ranger and it's the pink one!" He smiles I like when he does that.

" Thanks Yoongi!" He says he gets up but stumbled over Eomma catches him.

" Come on sweetheart you can live with us." Eomma said.

" REALLY YAY THANKS EOMMA!" I said and hug him tightly Ruki does the same he carries Ruki to the care and we drive home and the lady Mrs. Fistfart or whatever her name is was standing next to Appa talking to him.

" Oh Jin and oh my who is that!?" She says and looks at Ruki she reaches for him and I stand in front of him.

" No touch no touch Ruki." I said she looks at me meanly.

" Exactly no touch of any of them." Eomma said his eyes were his mean eyes.

" Also this BamBam kid says he's your boyfriend which I know isn't true right?" She says Eomma looks at her and walks over to Appa and kisses him Jimin Hobi and Ruki giggle Namjoon Hobi and I said yucky.

" See there I told they were in love!" Jimin said Mrs.Freakyfart rolls her eyes.

" But Jin..."

" No Mrs.Fartbutt my Eomma don't want youuuu." We all said and went inside Eomma and Appa were laughing.

" Jin who is this?" Appa asked.

" THATS YOONGI'S BOYFRIEND!" Hobi and Namjoon said I blushed.


" So who bought those toys for him?" I blushed even harder Ruki laughed.

" He did!" He said and held them close to him I smiled I'm glad he liked them Eomma walked over to him and held him Appa went and got him food.

~time skip sorry bro's I'm tired today~
We were all getting ready for bed and heading to our rooms and me and Hobi were playing with Jungkook who seemed to be wide awake.

" He just won't get sleepy Seokie." I said Hobi nodded and Ruki came into the room.

" Need help?" He said we both nodded he walks over to Jungkook and Jungkook immediately crawls over to him. Ruki picks him up and rocks him back and forth while gently rubbing his nose in a downward motion.

Jungkook's eyes start to flutter and soon he starts snoring. Hobi and I looked at him amazed.

" Wow Ruki!" We said quietly Appa walked in and held Jungkook.

" Good job young one." Appa says Ruki laughs and we go upstairs to our rooms mine is right next to Jimin's so I have to be quiet he is a light sleeper.

" Goodnight Ruki." I said he turned and looked at me and gave me a hug.

" Goodnight Yoongi come on Hobi lets go to bed." He said and him and Hobi continued down the hall they sleep next to Namjoon's room.

I get in my bed and look at the stars I used to look at all the time it helps me relax from all the stuff me and my brothers been through it's really mean out there but in here in my home it's safe it's warm and it's filled with love something we aren't used to.

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