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Jin's POV

I was in the car with Jimin and no not my son Park Jimin my sons actual father.

My babies are the sons of these dumb bastards my Jimin is Jimin the second yes Jimin and Taehyung are twins it's just Taemin didn't have a kid and Jimin had twins so he just named the second one Taehyung.

"Jin how are my sons?" Jimin asked me I rolled my eyes.

"My children are doing just fine thank you for asking you child abandoner." I crossed my arms he sighed and we reached their house we got out the car and entered the huge house I hate it here their all stupid.

Once we were inside the six fathers were looking at me hungrily like always but now I hate it.

"Jin baby come here!" Taemin opened his arms and ran to me I punched his jaw.

"Get the fuck away from me what do you want speak fast my kids leave school in 15 minutes and I have to go grocery shopping and I got to cook dinner and help my kids with their homework because Bammie is in Paris for a week." I said they raised their eyebrow and Zico Namjoons father groaned.

"Jin please at least reason with us we want to at least try to be parents."

"PARENTS!? Is that what you think you are!"

"Jin please I heard my baby developed multi personality disorder because someone kidnapped them!" Daniel Jungkook's father tried to reason Vernon Yoongi's father tried to pat my back I slapped his hand away.

"YES THE SAME MAN YOU LET "RAISE" THEM DID YOU KNOW HE BURNED JIMIN!" I screamed I have five minutes before my babies need to be picked up.

Their expressions turned dark now they may be bad parents they may be terrible people but when it comes to their offsprings they had a tad more common sense.

"He did what?" They growled I rolled my eyes.

"I will explain it to you later but let's go my children need to be picked up DO NOT tell them you are their parents you will literally send Hoseok into a coma." I glared they nod and we get back in the car and I drive over I see them sitting and waiting for me they laughed and opened the door but they screamed when they saw six unknown faces smiling at them.

"GET AWAY FROM OUR EOMMA YOU MEANIE!" They yelled I chuckled I love my kids.

"All grown men over the age of 20 get to the back of the car all kids under 10 hop in." Once we all got in the car Yoongi and Hoseok kept glaring at  the others I can tell they would ask why these weird men look like them.

"Eomma he looks like me." Hoseok points to Ravi Hoseok's dad I sighed this is going to be difficult especially if Daniel pisses Jungkook off the baby has a mean left kick a gift from yours truly.

" Yes baby he kinda does he's um a friend of mine they all are!" I lied the boys gasped and smiled.

"Eomma you have friends! I didn't know that!"

"Yes I have— Hey! I have many friends!" I groaned they giggled and we got home once we entered they all went to go do their homework except Jimin I couldn't pay that kid to do his homework...

I turned to the six of them they looked at their kids with glossy eyes...

"Jin they seem so hurt d-did we do that?" Ravi said I nodded fast because hell yes you did it.

"Oh yeah all this shit right here is you." They looked down I rolled my eyes I hate giving second chances but these are my babies and they deserve to decide whether these men who are their fathers should be in their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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