Jin is back

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Authors POV

The boys were playing in the pool while BamBam made some bbq they were laughing and enjoying themselves until Jin came out made as hell.

"Oh ok no no no so we can play in pools and cook bbq but this house is a mess?!" He said everyone stopped moving Jungkook however tried to crawl back in the house to try and clean something up.

"And now we all are silent so when I told you to get the house cleaned Friday and it's now Sunday what happened Friday night and all of Saturday?" Jin asked as much as the boys love BamBam they knew Jin wasn't one to mess with.

"Appa took us to the arcade all day Saturday and on Friday we went to the movies!" They said in unison BamBam felt utter fear fill in him as Jin turned his head to look at him.

"BamBam get your ass in the house now." Jin said while gritting his teeth BamBam nodded and walked inside Jin smiled one last time before closing the door.

"So what in the fuck where you thinking first of all?" Jin asked BamBam went to speak but nothing came out.

"To the movies and the arcade really Bam really my house is a hot mess and you know they had chores along with your ass and you go to the movies and the arcade and then play and cook bbq!" Jins voice began to rise BamBam knew of Jin begins to yell he's done for.

"I did it for a reason love!" He said Jins eyebrow raised.

"Which is?"

"Hold on." Bam went to the back room and brought out a bunch of gifts that said I love you and everything on them Jin blinked.

"Happy Anniversary Jin!" He said Jin felt guilt wash over him.

"B-Bam y-you got me all of this?" Jin said stunned BamBam nodded and kissed Jins forehead.

"B-But I f-forgot to get you something I-I'm so sorry o-oh my god!" Jin begins to cry BamBam smiles softly.

"Hey it's okay you've been working extremely hard it's okay beside your payment could be that ass." Bam says and smirks Jin blushes and hits him softly and then a blood curdling scream was heard Jin and BamBam stopped what they were doing and Namjoon and Hobi burst through the door.

"E-E-Eomma A-Appa h-he took J-Jimin and Jungkook!" They said tears were in there eyes and Namjoons hands were bloody Jin dashed out the back door and saw his babies kicking and screaming with the man he kicked out the first time.

"THIS MOTHER FUCKER!" Jin yelled and ran after the man but he was too late the man took off with Jins kids in his hands.

"MY FUCKING BABIES THIS BITCH IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE!" Jin yelled he didn't care who heard him or what they thought his children were with this man and Jin was beyond pissed he was livid he immediately went into the house and called his sister.


"Get your shit Lisa some bitch just took your nephews." Jin simply says Lisa hangs up the phone Jin knows she's getting ready because not even 20 minutes later Lisa is banging on the door.

"So where is the bitch?" Lisa says BamBam is going back to the bathroom where he was taking care of Namjoons wound when he got back Namjoon was gone.

"Namjoon?" He calles out no response BamBam searches the house for him and he's no where to be found he try's to look for Yoongi but he's gone he tried to look for Ruki but he's gone and he tried Hobi no where to be seen.

"JIN THERE GONE!" He yelled Jin and Lisa here this and begin searching too but as well as BamBam they are no where to be seen.

"So this bitch really done went and took every last one huh okay that fine haha ok fine he better hope and pray to every last God and Goddess to exist because it is his last fucking day on earth...

Lets bring the old Jin back."

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