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Authors POV

Jin walked into the office and Yoongi ran over to him Jin glared down at him Yoongi whined.

"Eomma I didn't mean to I promise!" He says Jin sighs and picks up his son and they sit in the seat and Yoongi tucks his face in Jin's chest.

"So what exactly happened?" Jin asked the principal.

"Well Yoongi here best up another student during lunch today out of the blue." He says Jin raised his eyebrow now he knows that's a damn lie his kids know not to just beat people up he raised them right.

"Oh did he Yoonie tell Eomma what happened." Jin said to Yoongi.

"Eomma some kids were being mean to Ruki and I got angry I'm sorry Eomma I'm sorry!" Yoongi says and starts crying Jin rubs his back to calm him down he rocks Yoongi who eventually goes to sleep.

"So my son beat up another student because they were being rude to my other son is that right?" Jin asked sweetly the principal shivered.

"I mean I guess."

"So you never asked my son what happened you just assumed my son beat some kid up right." Jins voice got deeper the principal started sweating when Ruki and Mr.Wang burst though the door.

"EOMMA PLEASE DONT BE MAD AT YOONIE HE WAS HELPING ME!" Ruki yelled Jin shushed him and pointed to the sleeping boy in his arms Ruki nodded and ran over to his Eomma and Jin picked him up Mr.Wang was there.

"Please don't suspend Yoongi he was just defending his friend." Mr.Wang tells the principal Jin bows slightly to thank him.

"Fine but Yoongi can't just beat up people."

"And those kids shouldn't be mean to my Ruki." Yoongi mumbles.

"I will talk to those kids parents for what they have done I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He says Jin nods and leaves the room with his two kids and decides to check them out and takes them to get some chicken nuggets.

"Hey Yoongi thank you for standing up for Ruki I'm proud of you but don't just go beating kids up okay tell Mr.Wang alright." Jin says Yoongi clings onto Jin.

"Eomma why are people so mean?" Ruki asked Jin smiles.

"Because people get jealous of the smallest things my little angel people will be mean just because some looks better but I want you both to remember that everyone is beautiful no matter who they are respect people no matter who they identify as or who they like or the color of their skin everyone matters." He says Yoongi and Ruki nod.

"People will be mean just because someone is different?" Yoongi asked Jin nods.

"Yes Yoonie." Jin says Yoongi huffs.

"That's stupid you shouldn't care if someone is different or even if they believe their a puffer fish everyone matters!" Yoongi says Ruki nods in agreement Jin smiles at his kids.


"Alrighty my little ones go find Appa and tell him I'm picking up the rest of the kids." Jin says they nod and laugh to go find their Appa.

Jin gets his keys and drives to go pick them up they were in the car line and they saw the car and they cheered and got inside.

"Hi Eomma!" They said.

"Hi lovely's how was school?" Jin asked they all spoke at the same time Jin laughs.

"Alright alright one at a time Joon Seok how was school?" Jin asked Namjoon went first.

"It was fun Eomma we learned how to multiply and divide and Mr. Zico has a pet named Jivu!" Namjoon says Hoseok continues.

"Yeah It's a cute little hedgehog! And and oh oh I learned how to draw a swan!" Hoseok cheers Jin smiles.

"That's sounds fun sunshine I'm glad twins how was your day?" Jin asked the two were dying to explain.

"It was so fun we learned how to add and subtract and we got snacks when we got the answers right!" They said at the same time Jungkook giggles.

"And my little bunny how was your day?"

"K-Kookie learn Abc's!" Jungkook says Jungkook couldn't say complete sentences and he talked in third person the doctor said it was from what Jungkook experienced as a baby and when he was kidnapped after Jin saved them Jungkook didn't speak for 2 years he was so scared and he refused to get in any type of car of course everyone showered him with love even Jimin has got more social just to make him happy the Jimin now doesn't get afraid when he meets new people but he still does hide behind his Grandma whenever someone comes too close and he starts to get dizzy when too many people come close to him at once.

All of them had some type of effect too what happened it took Namjoon two weeks to recover he wouldn't eat and Hoseok was scared to go outside he didn't even leave his room. Yoongi got defensive and angry whenever someone bothered his family so he lashed out a lot.

And Tae developer sever DID /Multi personality disorder he gained two alters one was very scared and the other was chill they named themselves Lin and Allen. His alters took over Tae for long time Lin was the scared one he took over Tae's body and mind  for 5 months they didn't see their Tae for a long time.

Ruki was scared to be alone he was constantly with someone it was only when he went to the bathroom was when he was by himself but he didn't spend no more than an hour in the bathroom until he started hyperventilating.

Lisa Jin Bambam and Jessi helped the boys and showered them with love and affection they spent three weeks with their grandparents because they were so afraid that man was in their house they had night terrors once they returned the first night.

The boys explained to grandparents that there biological father would chain them up and beat them and starve them and their mother yelled at them and once slashed Namjoon's back with a knife that's why he has a giant scar on his back.

They ran away and went back once and their mother told them to run away and sent them with a note before she died in which Jin found them at his doorstep.

The boys went though so much and they were so scared but they were getting better and Jin would move the entire Universe before he let someone hurt his kids.

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