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Authors POV

Jin and Bam stood in front of Jungkook's room and sighed Jungkook was now 7 and he absolutely hates bath time.

"You ready?" Jin asked Bam nodded.

Bam opens the door and sees Jungkook playing with his transformer Bumblebee he smiled.

"Hi Appa hi Eomma!" He cheered and giggled Jin opens his arms the little seven year old ran into them and Jin picked him up.

"Hey bunbun its... bath time." Jin says Jungkook doesn't do anything until he opens his mouth.

"AHHHHHHHHH JUNGKOOK DONT WANT BATH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" He yelled and pounced out Jins arms and dashed around the house.

"KOOKIE PLEASE TAKE A BATH!" Jin says and runs after him Jungkook was in his usual spot in Jimin's room trembling.

Jungkook had a reason to hate baths his biological mother dunked his head in water often as a very young child it scared the poor baby.

Yoongi was the only one who could get him to take a bath but he was at his Boy Scouts meeting along with Hoseok Namjoon and Ruki the only ones that got him close to a bath tub.

Jin sat in front of his son and pats his lap Jungkook doesn't hesitate to leap into his mothers lap and cuddle into him.

"E-Eomma J-J-Jungkook sorry." Jungkook says he was always apologizing whenever he messed up he once apologized when some kid at school slapped him Jungkook said that the kid didn't do anything wrong in fact Jungkook said he didn't blame the kid.

Jin hugs his son tightly.

"You don't have to apologize my little bunny it's not your fault my bunny." Jin says Jungkook was Jins little bunny and Jungkook didn't let anyone but his Eomma call him bunny whenever someone else did the little one threw a temper tantrum. His Appa calls him Bubba he doesn't let anyone else call him that his grandparents call him little man and his auntie calls him KooKoo and his brother call him Kookie he doesn't let anyone else call him those names.

Jungkook cried.

"B-But i can't even take a bath Jungkook is stupid bunny." Jungkook says Jin looks into his child's eyes.

"My beautiful intelligent bunny you are not stupid the only one who is stupid is me I'm so sorry I couldn't do better at protecting you I'm so so sorry I should've done so much better for you and your brothers I should be able to help all of you but I'm failing I'm so sorry." Jin says and tears fall down his face and Jungkook gasped and got out of his Eomma's lap and ran to the bathroom Jin raised his eyebrow and followed him he saw Jungkook getting ready to get into the tub Jin gasped.

"Bunbun no-"

"No Eomma I can do this I'm going to prove that Eomma is smart and that Eomma is doing a good job!" Jungkook said Jin was shocked Jungkook talked in first person for the first time Jungkook stared into the water and then huffed.

"You don't scare me I'm going to defeat you and prove to you my Eomma is very smart!" Jungkook shouts and sticks his foot in he closed his eyes Jin smiles Bam walks into the bathroom.

"He talked in first person." Jin whispers BamBam's eyes went wide and he silently clapped.

Jungkook got in the bath and splashed the water.

"FUN!" He yelled and started playing in the water Bam and Jin cheered for him.

"Yayyy Kookie you did it!" They cheered Jungkook smiles Jungkook room an entire bath by himself Bam and Jin felt so happy.

Once he was done he was worn out so he went to sleep in his parents bed the boys often do that with their grandparents but Jungkook wanted his parents bed.

Bam went to go get the other boys and they got home and went to sleep Jin was walking around the house and realized he hasn't seen or heard the twins...

He checked their rooms. Not there.

Not in the bathroom.

Or playrooms.

Or outside.

In the back.

Or front.

Where are his children?

"CHIM TAETAE LOVES WHERE ARE YOU!" He yelled no response he started running through the house and looking but no where were his two kids.

"Who the fuck took my children." He stated emotionless he was pissed now.

He walked outside and looked around and saw Ms.Frankal on her porch smiling Jins blood boiled so much he just pulled out his gun and immediately shot extremely close to her face she was struck Jin walked up to her with the coldest glare it was so cold it didn't have an emotion he was like a robot he moved as if nothing mattered.

"I'm going to ask you one time where the fuck are my children?"

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