Eomma please save us

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Authors POV

The boys were in the back of the mans car Yoongi and Namjoon were knocked unconscious and the others were trembling Jungkook however was a sneaky baby so he waddled over behind the mans seat and he started pulling his hair the man yelled.

"You stupid fucking baby let my hair go!" The man yelled Ruki and Jimin helped him out and kicked the back of his seat the man served and Jungkook fell and hit his head on the window the other boys screamed and go their brother Hoseok held Jungkook the man stopped at the red light and looked back at them and punched Jimin in his face and grabbed Ruki's hair.

"You little fucking bitches don't disrespect your father you ungrateful idiots!" He said Jimin was bleeding from his lip but he was still putting up a fight it's the least he can do since Hoseok was taking care of Jungkook he was the oldest.

"Your not our a father our Appa is Bammie!" He yelled back at the man the man chuckled.

"Oh wait till we get home Jimin I will have a special punishment for that smart mouth of yours." He said Jimin trembled horribly this was the same man who chained Jimin up and touched him Jimin hates this man it was his actual father but he hates him well not hate him his mommy told him it's not good to hate but he doesn't love the man.

Ruki scooted towards Jimin and hugged him.

"N-No don't t-touch c-chimney m-meanie!" Ruki said holding Jimin he was crying badly Jungkook was sniffling well scrunching his nose to look tough so the man wouldn't hurt his brothers.

They got to an abandoned building and the man got out the car the boys we shaking the door opens and the man yanks Yoongi and Namjoon out and threw them over his shoulder.

"Get out." He said the boys didnt move he grabbed Hoseok by his ankle and pulled him.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" He yelled Hoseok held onto Jungkook and the boys got out the car they followed the man into the building and Namjoon woke up and looks at his brothers before he can scream they put their finger over their mouths telling him to be quiet he nodded softly and waited on the count of three he kicked the man in the stomach.

He dropped him and Yoongi Tae grabbed Yoongi and they ran though the building they were quiet because Grandma Jessi told them that hide and seek is easier when your quiet.

They ran though the building but they didn't really know where to go they hear the man behind them and they run into a random room and huddle in the corner Yoongi wakes up and thankfully processed what happened and didn't scream.

They heard his footsteps getting closer.

"You know fuck those stupid babies I was going to punish them for making me lose everything it's clearly their fault I started gambling and shit it's all their fault it's not mine no never I'll just burn the building down." The man says and laughs evilly he take his lighter and a cigar and lit it and threw it on some papers the fire got bigger and started to spread.

The man smiles and leaves the building the fire spread faster and it enters the room the boys were in they gasped.

"Y-Yoongi are we going to die?" Tae asked Yoongi was terrified he hates fire his father burned him before so he hates fire. He was still the boys held hands the fire got closer they covered Jungkook and pulled his bib over his nose so he wouldn't breathe in the air they started coughing it was getting harder to breathe they felt dizzy they wanted their Eomma and Appa and Auntie and Grandma they wanted to go home they want Eomma right now.

"MOVE OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY MY BABIES ARE IN THERE!" They heard their Eomma's voice.

Sorry for not updating for so long bro bros I'm back I'm not dead and neither is this story yay!

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