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Authors POV

Jin was currently glaring at Mrs.Frinkle when he heard to very familiar cries.

"EOMMA EOMMA LOOK LOOK!" Taehyung's voice rang in Jins ear he turned and saw the two twins Jimin was holding something in his hands though.

"What's that loves?"

"It's a doggy Eomma come quick he's hurt some mean kids were throwing rocks at him!"

"Alright Jimin go inside and show the dog to Appa."

"Okay!" The two ran inside their home Jin looked back at Mrs.Frinkle again and pushed his gun to her throat.

"Don't you ever bring this up because you don't know who I know Mrs.Frinkle." He growled out Mrs.Frinkle smiles very very slightly but still shaking.

"Yes Jin."

Jin turns to leave and as he walks away Mrs.Frinkle grins evilly behind him.

"No dear Jin you don't know who I know." She says and heads inside her house once inside her butler approach's her.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes miss everything is set up the kids have fooled Jin long enough Jin is completely wrapped around their finger."

"Good soon Jin will be mine and my precious children can come back to Mommy." She snarled and laughed like the manic she trained herself to be.

Meanwhile back at Jin's house everyone was circled around the freshly banged brown dog.

"It's so pretty!"

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Yoongi asked Jin smiles.

"It's a girl little one." Bam replied Yoongi clapped the dog wakes up and is scared by everyone surrounding her but she stands her ground by growling.

The boys sit in front of her and put their hands out the dog backs up confused.

"It's okay we won't hurt you we promise those meanies who thew rocks at you are gone!" They said the dog takes a moment before crawling into Yoongi's lap the others pet her softly she snuggles into the warmth radiating off of the boys.

"Eomma Appa can we keep her pleaseeeee we promise to take care of her!" They begged Jin and Bam raised their eyebrows.

"Taking care of a dog is a big responsibility you have to walk them feed them bath them give them lots of love and attention-"

"Oh Bam let them keep her I think this is a great why for them to learn responsibility and besides she's adorable look at those eyes." Jin said the dog looks at Bam in his eyes and he sighs and nods the boys cheer.


"What are you going to name her?" Jin asked they thought about it.

"Bumblebee?" Jungkook said.

"She's not a transformer Kookie!"

"Oh oh how about Cyborg!" Namjoon said and jumped up and made robot sounds him and Hoseok started doing robot dances.

"What the no she's not a robot she's a dog a DOG PEOPLE!" Yoongi stressed he sighed then it came to him.

"HOLLY LETS NAME HER HOLLY!" He yelled everyone nodded in agreement the dog barked at her name.

"Welcome to the family Holly!" They all said and hugged the little brown dog.

-Next Morning-

The next morning came and the boys were all already off to school Holly was playing in her new play room Bam went with Jackson to go watch the new movie Maleficent and Jin was relaxing in his home.

"Ahh I love Jin time." Jin said to himself and he rolled in his bed he was cheerful and happy until he heard Holly repeatedly bark.

He got up and went to go check on her.

"Holly?" He opens the door to her play room and someone was standing there holding Holly who was trying to get out of their grasp.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jin asked calmly the person chuckled.

"Come with me Jin someone important wants to see you." They said Jin looked and saw a certain crest on the person he scoffed.

"Hell no im not going back." Jin said the person laughed and threw Holly down she whimpered Jin instantly held her and soothed her.

"Jin don't you think it's a bit rude to raise someone's child without asking?"

"No because they were left on my doorstep."

"Well now just come Jin I don't have all day."

"Bitch you better wait all night then."

"Jin let's go they want to see you they miss you Jin besides clearly you do too or else you wouldn't have taken their kids under your wing plus their named after their fathers."

"Well tell them to kiss my ass they left them at my doorstep and sent those kids through hell im not giving them back."

"Jin Jin Jin what would they think if they found out you were dating Bam oh how I think Namjoon would be pissed who knows what Tae will do Jungkook don't even get me started—"

"Shut the fuck up I will go with you but I better be back for when my kids come home." Jin says the persons smiles wickedly.

"Great let's go!" He says and reaches out his hand Jin scoffed.

"Shut up Jimin."

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