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No ones POV
Its the middle of the day and the boys have all gotten home from school and BamBam went to go get food Jin was sleeping in his room Namjoon and Jungkook were playing in the hall by his door until Jungkook heard noises.

" Eomma Eomma m'nosies!" Jungkook said and instantly crawled to the door he whined because he couldn't reach the handle.

" J-JoJo o-open!" He said Namjoon opens the door and he sees Jin on the bed with tears falling down his cheeks still asleep.

" Oh no Eomma having scary dream come on Kookie let's comfort him!" He whispers yells Namjoon runs to go get everyone else and they all head to Jin's room and they all hop in bed and cuddle Jin.

Jungkook in the middle then Tae on his left Jimin on his right Namjoon on his left Yoongi on his right and Heseok on his left and Ruki on his right they all cuddle close to him and soon Jin relaxes and smiles Jungkook giggles softly.

" E-Eomma s-smile." He says and yawns his eyes feeling heavy soon he falls asleep and so do the rest of them BamBam comes home and heads upstairs.

" Jin where are the-" he stops and smiles and the cute moment in front of him Jin is holding Jungkook like a teddy and the other boys and holding each other with Jimin and Taehyung occasionally fighting over Jin in their sleep BamBam takes a picture and sets it as his lock screen and heads over to them.

" Angels wake up its time for dinner." He says Jungkook being a light sleeper woke up first and saw his Appa and jumped to him but failed because Jin held him and tickled him he laughed loudly waking the rest of them up Jimin and Namjoon shuffles over to BamBam and he picked them both up. Yoongi and Hobi fell off the bed and kept sleeping everyone laughed now Taehyung and Ruki woke them up by shouting the Sofia the first theme song.

Life was good in the Kim household BamBam and Jin loved each other and their 7 boys but Mrs.Frenkel still pissed them off but they all loved each other Tae and Jimin are staring kindergarten soon so that will be a roller coaster because Jimin hates people and Taehyung makes everything his territory. Yoongi and Ruki and becoming the best of friends and Ruki has stoped getting picked on by the kids at school. Hobi and Namjoon are both good and breaking stuff Hobi break dancing and Namjoon actually breaking stuff.

There is a knock on the door and Jin and Hobi go answer it and a man is standing at the door.

" Hello son."

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