Yoongi's new word

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Yoongi's POV

It's been 3 years since the problem with the man and I'm going to the 4th grade this year! Jungkook was walking and talking and he's going to kindergarten this year Jimin and Tae are second graders and Hoseok and Namjoon are third graders Ruki and I are in the same class too!

I get dressed and head down stairs and see Jungkook watching TV on the couch.

"Yoonie-hyung Kookie watching Paw Patrol!" He says I watch it with him and soon Namjoon comes tumbling down the stairs with a shoe in his hand.

"I just wanted to put them on." He mumbles and frowns me and Jungkook laugh and soon there's a loud knocking upstairs.

"APPA EOMMA SAID YOU GOT TO TAKE US TO SCHOOL TODAY!" The twins yelled I walk upstairs and see them knocking on the door he opens it and looks half dead.

"Oh he did he say that didn't he." He scratches his head.

"Eomma also said if we're late to school you can't play overwatch for a month." Ruki added Appa's eyes widened and he dashed across the house getting dressed.

"Umm ok you guys want McDonald's for breakfast?" He asked we cheered.

"YES PLEASE APPA!" We yelled and dashed to the door we grabbed our backpacks and put on our shoes and went to the car Appa came dashing out the door he unlocked the car and we saw the neighbor Mrs.Frinkle ew.

"Hello Bam-"

"Not now bitch!" Appa yelled back and got in the car I laughed.

"BITCH!" I yelled back he looked at me.

"No no no Yoonie bear don't say that word it's a big boy word." He says I huff.

"I'm a big boy Appa Yoongi is a big boy I can handle bitch!" I said Appa was about to speak when his phone rang he answered.

"Hi beautiful!" Appa said cheerfully he was talking to Eomma!

"Bam did you do something wrong?" Eomma asked we giggled.

"No no! Everything is fine!" Appa says I smile.

"Hi Eomma I learned a new word today!" I said for some reason Appa's eyes widened.

"Oh what's that Yoongi?" Eomma asked I smiled.

"BITCH!" I yelled there was complete silence Appa started praying for some reason.

"Oh who taught you?"


"BamBam wait until I get home." Eomma says Appa starts fake crying it was funny.
Appa dropped us off at school and me and Ruki went to class.

"What's so bad about bitch?" I asked Ruki he shrugged.

"I don't know maybe Appa is being silly." Ruki says we laugh and we enter the class.

"Oh hello you must be Yoongi and Ruki!" A tall man says to us we nod.

"I'm your teacher Mr.Wang your seats have your names on them go sit in your seat alright.

We nod and I frown my seat is far from Ruki I don't like that Ruki sits in his seat with his table group and he was smiling but then he frowns and looks down but everyone else is laughing...

I shake it off and sit down in my seat with my table group.

"Um hello I'm Yoongi!" I said and waved they smiled and waved at me.

"Hi I'm Felix!"

"I'm Lucas!"

"I'm Joy!"

"I'm Zico."

"And I'm Yuri!"

They introduce themselves I smile maybe this will be easy.
It's lunch time so I get to eat with Ruki and my new friends! We head to lunch and we sit at our class table and I sit next to Ruki who looks sad.

"Whats wrong Ruki?" I asked he shook his head I frown why won't he tell me?

"Hey Yoongi hey who's this?" Lucas asked I smiled.

"This is my friend Ruki!"I introduced him they other smile and introduce themselves. Ruki looks over at his table mates and looks down I raise my eyebrow.

"Ruki are you okay?" I asked he nodded and smiled falsely.

"Are they mean to you Ruki?" I asked his eyes widened.

"No no their not their very nice!" He says fast I huff he's lying I know it. I walk over to them.

"Are you mean to Ruki?" I asked they laughed.

" Yeah he's so weird look at him all shy he's so stupid!" One says I ball my fist.

"Shut up!" I said they looked at me weirdly.

"Ha your friends with that weirdo!" They laughed i growl and I black out.
Authors POV

BamBam gets back home and try's to sneak into the house but Jin was already there shoe in hand.

"Jin wait I can explain I didn't know he would say it!" BamBam frantically try's to reason.

"No overwatch no desert and definitely no sex for 4 months." Jin says BamBam gasped.


Jin shakes his head.

"No way my precious Yoongi is saying bitch!"

"Because your precious BamBam made an little mistake baby~" he says in a baby voice Jin sighs and kisses BamBam.

"You can get kisses and desert and two hours of overwatch nothing else." Jin reasons Bam smiles and locks his lips to Jin's and they have a heated make out session.

"Bam I never said a make out session!" Jin say Bam smirks.

"You also said I couldn't either and it's still kisses nothing else right~" he says in a low voice turning Jin on who blushes.

"Y-Yeah exactly." Jin says Bam kisses Jin agian and bites his bottom lip Jin whimpers and Bam glides his tongue in Jin moans Bam wraps his arms around his waist a deepens the kiss he breaks it and sees Jin's beautiful swollen lips he chuckles.

"Let's see how long you last." Bam whispers in his ear and walks upstairs Jin sighs.

"Where's the fucking lotion?" He groans.

Jin's phone rings and Jin sees it's the boys school he picks up the phone.


"Hello is this Kim Seokjin the parent of Min Yoongi?" The principals voice says Jin gets suspicious.

"Um yes."

"Your son is in the office he's in trouble for beating up a student." The principal says Jin growls.

"My baby did what?" He says in a low tone Yoongi who was on the other side sank in his seat the phone was on speaker and he knows his Eomma wasn't one to anger.

"Yes he beat up a student and we would like you to come down to the school."

"Oh I will be there in a hurry." Jin says and hangs up the phone Yoongi whimpers hes in deep trouble now.

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