People damn.

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Ok so I'm going to give you an analogy let's say you're a homeless person and every single day someone walks past you they don't give you money food clothes blankets nothing but they still care because they believe all lives matter now let's say one day you get kidnapped and they notice you're gone but don't say anything.

Now you're gone for 3 days now 7 now an entire month and they still don't care they just keep going now you're gone for 2 months and one night they turn on the news and it says.

"Homeless person found dead by a river."

And then that person has the audacity to say some bullshit like "Oh my gosh that's so sad!" Now you're probably wondering well why is that bad?

Let me tell you why.

Because they didn't think it was sad when you were starving they didn't think it was sad when you were cold they didn't think it was sad when you were dirty they didn't think it was sad when they were in warm beds but your feared for your life because you knew if you went to sleep the chance of you getting kidnapped sky rocketed but all of a sudden when your dead now everything is gloomy now it's a problem now it's time to shed tears.

Like that's the problem with people because that person who walked past you and didn't do shit still cared about you but not enough to give you a penny.

Tupac said it best "Celebrity's confuse me we know you have a lot of money but we also know there people who don't you don't need 52 bedrooms if you only have to kids keep it down to two room."

Middle class people donate and help out lower class more than upper class for hundreds of years it's honestly sad I get sick and tired of hearing about some celebrity with a bunch of money 20 cars 15 houses but can't give a homeless person ten dollars to freaking eat.

It makes me sick honestly to know that and another thing wasting your food is a privilege never forget that because every single time you waste food you are laughing at those who don't have any some people will beg for a grain of rice some people sell their body's just to eat a slice of bread but you get to waste all the food you want without any remorse.

Know your portions seriously because if your not going to go give ten hungry people a meal every time you waste food then I highly suggest you watch your portions because that's just disrespectful.

And to all my humans out there please stop disrespecting trans people by saying their not women or men yes they are and you will address them as such it's not your job to label someone and tell them what they are it never will be not in 50 billion years either you're experience as a women and or man DOES NOT reflect off of someone else they are YOUR experiences so if your letting your experiences get effected by someone else please check yourself.

I'm sorry for the rant it's just been annoying me but anyway have a great day guys please be safe and make sure to vote or that the people you know who are eligible to vote go vote because I swears if that orange looking thing is in office for any more years I'm moving to the next Universe.

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