C2: midday conflict

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AN: hi guys, um, this chapter may be a bit boring too, but i guess it's just the build up to it all, I guess. I think it maybe be kinda triggering this chapter, it depends on how it all goes, I have no plan ideas I'm just winging as I write. (^o^) anyways enjoy!

~~Levi POV~~

I had just came out of my history class with Erwin and Jean. It was lunch and so we decided to hang in the abandoned halls of the school. Just ten minutes into lunch I had to see the fucking kid! It was Eren, why the fuck did he have to come down this way!? "Just my luck" i spoke under my breath.
"What do you mean?" Erwin looked at me, I decided not to look at Eren as he would look and hurt him. Erwin knew I was gay, so if I acted like this then he would know something was up. I never told Jean cuz he would just try to beat my ass up cause' of it.
"Nothing, what's horse face doing!?" My voice was low when I saw horse face walking over to Eren. Horse face was what I called Jean, simply because he had a horse face.
"Looks like we found ourselves a little Jaeger here" Erwin laughed as he caught up with Jean. I groaned and watched Eren, he was stood still, eyes wide, he looked scared, so scared but I notice he tries to hide it with a strong face, but that face was see through. His fear was too much to hide. I hated this, but I didn't know why.
I then noticed a blond boy stood near eren, his hair was cut like a bob, sort of, he looked more afraid than Eren, even though it wasn't him they wanted. It was Armin, Erens best friend, for as long as I can remember. Wait why am I thinking all this, it's like I care, I don't.
Just then Jean looked back at me, his face angered.
"Levi, what are you doing!? Get over here" he looked back at Eren, his voice turning quieter, aiming at Eren "we gotta teach Jaeger boy over here some respect for us"
I don't know why but I ran up behind Jean and smashed his head into the locker to the side of Erens shoulder. It felt good. I smashed it again "Get off of him you shit bag! What did he ever do to you-" my voice emotionless like always, but was shut off but Erwin punching the left side of my cheek, great, now both my cheeks were smashed into today.
"Levi! What are doing?" Erwin questioned me as he took me to the ground. I saw Jean crouch down next to my shoulder to spit at my face
"Does someone have feelings for this little Jaeger boy?" He teased so the only move I made and only move I thought of was to smash my head into his as my body was pinned down. He fell back, led on the floor, seeming unconscious. I felt nothing, huh, weak little shit!

"Get off me Eyebrows!" I wriggled as I freed Erwins grip, he seemed less angry. "What was that for!?" I noticed Eren was watching beside us, all this time, his strong face mask removed showing his feared face. He just watched, I noticed him shake.

"Don't ask me that! Why did you slam Jean into the locker!" Erwin grabbed my shoulder so I couldn't go anywhere, his voice strong.
"Doesn't matter" I managed to barge out of Erwins grip as I slammed Erens shoulder into the locker behind me, to keep my dignity. His face watched me, fearful he just stared into my eyes, God his eyes were amazing. I think.... I think I have feelings for this brat. "Brat listen to me, never come near me or horse face or eyebrows again okay" my voice was stern, it hurt me to say this, I loved this brat, I know it's stupid but I did. I turned and walked away, eyebrows following me asking all these stupid questions. "Shut up eyebrows"

~~Erens POV~~

I stood still as I watched Levi and Erwin walk away, I noticed Levi put a note in my pocket as he held me up against the locker. I was still aware of Horseface still led on the floor beside my feet. I was scared, what the hell just happened. I opened the note and read it:
Listen brat, I don't want you getting hurt, here's my number for if you're in trouble or you need to talk to me.
**** *** ****
I need to talk to you anyway about you keeping away.
I stared at the note with Levi's amazing handwriting on it, I was confused from the note, rereading it hoping it would make sense each time, I didn't get it. This is some sorta joke. He probably knows I have feelings and wants to take advantage of them. Wait what, did I just say I have feelings! We'll..... I guess I do, just a bit. I slipped the note in my back pocket of my jeans and looked at Armin who coward around the corner, I walked up to him
"Armin it's okay, I'm fine, he didn't do anything" he just stared at me, so I forced and smile and grabbed him so he would walk with me.

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