C14: Yankee

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Last chapter! I might do a epilogue, but that's up to you if I do or not. To be honest, I have no idea what I'll do if I do. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I hope this makes up for it.


~~Levi POV~~

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" I groaned as I kept my grip on Eren's waist as I slowly opened my eyes to find an overly hyper little girl bouncing on our bed.

"Isabelle" I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach. "Go back to sleep." I heard her groan as she sat between mine and Eren's legs.

I heard Eren groan as he nuzzled his head in the pillow. "But dad! It's my birthday! It's my birthday!" That's right. It's her birthday. Along with mine. Along with Christmas. We'll, at least neither me nor Eren had to work.

"Isabelle, give us a few more minutes. Go back to bed and try to sleep" I heard her sigh and I felt Eren move in my arm.

"Give over, Levi. Let her bounce." He kept his eyes shut as I growled.

"You're one to say. You're not the one who has to go in the kitchen and make her some pancakes for breakfast." I watched as his plush lips formed into a smirk.

"Maybe I will." He opened his eyes as he leaned in closer to kiss me on my lips. I embraced the warm flesh, closing my eyes and moaning into it.

"Eww! Daddy's! That's gross!" Isabelle wined as she hopped up to us to separate our lips. I scowled into her overly happy Caribbean eyes. They were just like Eren's. Eren just laughed at me as I playfully pushed her back onto her back. "Hey! Dad!

Isabelle is our 2 year old daughter. She's Eren's biological daughter. She had a sassy side to her bouncy, happy personality. "Eren, where the hell did she get that sassy attitude."

I smirked as I leaned across to kiss Eren once again. "She obviously gained it from being around you. And watch your language." He smirked back at me as he sat up, revealing his toned, tanned back.

Ever since we got Isabelle we have been trying to get rid of any kind of swears around her. It has been proven very difficult for me.

I smiled as I traced the shoulder blade, making Eren turn back to me "happy birthday sweetie." I smirked back at him.

"Hey daddy! What about me! It's my birthday too!" Eren smiled at Isabelle and pulled her into his arms, tickling her.

"And you too, you cheeky little girl!" She laughed hysterically as Eren chuckled slightly as he tickled her. Man, that looked adorable. I'm so lucky to have Eren. "Now then, shall we make you some pancakes!"

"Yes yes yes!" She hopped off the bed and looked at Eren expectedly.

"Why don't you run into the kitchen and put the TV on while you wait for me to get ready and make them, yes?"

She nodded as she dashed out of the room. Eren laid back down next to me as I closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead before I opened my eyes again. "I love you" he whispered as he sat up, reaching off the bed to grab some boxers.

"I love you too" I whispered as I watched him slip them under the bed sheet. I watched as he stood up from the bed to walk across the room to grab some pyjama bottoms.

He then turned around to face me. His hips and waist looked amazing and that golden tan made it even more stunning. His pants were low and you could clearly see his v-line.

He gave me a kiss before whispering in my ear "you little perv" he smirked as he walked away. I couldn't help but smirk too. I watched as his hips swayed as he walked to grab a baggy shirt, slip it on and walk out of the room.

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