C5: Truth

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Lots of stuff happening here, I actually planned this time... Yay! I didn't really know who the two other people would be so I hope it's okay. Anyways not much to say so Enjoy! (^o^)


~~Eren POV~~

I sunk deeper in my chair as the four people were nearing us. It was Jean and Erwin and I could recognise on of the other ones, it was Marco, I think the other was Annie.

I knew I wouldn't leave this restaurant alive, no way. Damn it! I'm such an idiot! I knew Levi didn't love me back! It was all a stupid jok-

My thoughts were stopped by a loud yell. A voice I recognised, Jeans.

"Ackerman! So you're here with Jaeger, huh? Looks like he came!" His voice was evil, it was horrible.

I heard a laugh, Erwin's laugh
"So you guys are on a" he paused to laugh "a date! Seriously Levi, how did you get him to come along!"

Somehow I felt like that was aimed at Levi, but there would be no way.

"Shut the fuck up Erwin!" That was Levi, it was Levi who shouted.

I had to leave I hated this. I stood up, knocking back the chair behind me. Knocking the table so my glass fell, water puddled on the table. I didn't care, I had to go, to leave, to leave this all behind, to find a new world.

I took 2 steps when I was grabbed by Annie "where do you think you're going, asshole" her voice was tense. Her fist was curled into my top, holding me still. She was strong, just when she was pushed away by Jean.

Was he the one that always had to hurt me?
"Get- get off me" I squirmed trying to escape.

By now, the few costumers were watching from afar, along with the staff, afraid to interfere. I noticed Marco kind of cower in with the customers. I knew he didn't like fights but why would he cower?

"Shut up, you little shit" just then my eyes blurred as I got a fist to the face. A strong fist. I could feel blood leave my mouth and nose.

I couldn't see, my eyes were clouded. Another punch came my way. Hitting my cheekbone. The pain was unbelievable! I could feel my face throb.

Where was Levi? I guess he was watching, not caring. I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!

I could just see another punch coming my way, full power, fast when I saw another arm fly across my face and in Jeans left cheek.

His arm immediately fell, taking a few steps back and falling down. Whoever struck him must be strong.

Then I heard Levi's voice, my tears mixing with my blood "Eren! Eren are you okay?" He voice sounded genuinely worried, I didn't care. I needed to leave.

I shoved past Levi, pushing open the front doors, into the dark narrow road. It was darker than before. I felt myself being weak. I knew I was weak. I knew I would never be strong. I couldn't see, I kept tripping.

Eventually I turned a small corner into a narrow alley way and I sat in the abandoned, dark, narrow alleyway. I whimpered as I hide my face in my knees.

I was so stupid! He would never love me! I pinched my skin on my arm, hoping for a split in my flesh, for the blood to flow. To feel the longed pain.

I stopped whimpering when I heard running near by, I guessed it was Jean, Erwin, Marco, Annie and Levi, trying to find me, to finish me off.

"Get the fuck off me Horseface!" That voice Was clearly Levi's, it was full of rage and anger, I could tell the difference now, between his anger voice and his normal, emotionless one.

Unforgettable [ERERI / EREN X LEVI]Where stories live. Discover now