C12: Congratulations

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Like I promised. Another one up today. Yay. I'm heading towards the end now. Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters. Hope you've liked it.

I don't actually know if I've added Armin in this... We'll he's here now. Oops, sorry


~~Eren POV~~

I took the diploma from my principle as he congratulated me. I had now graduated from college. My friends cheered for me and I saw Mikasa and Armin stand up in their gowns, cheering wildly. I smiled at them as I made my way down.

As I walked down the steps I noticed Levi. He was on the family side. He was standing and cheering too. He had Hanji with him and Erwin too.

Over the years we became friends, its good because they're pretty awesome. Levi blew me a kiss and I could feel myself blushing a harsh red. I tried hiding my blush from him but I could just see the smirk he had.

I sat back down in the seat, fiddling with my diploma. I had to wait for the rest of the students to receive their diploma. The ceremony was long and pretty boring.

I would keep glancing up at Levi who would be looking back at me. Of course he graduated last year, I attended just like he has done now.

When the ceremony ended Armin and Mikasa ran up to me and we all had a massive hug, congratulating each other.

It wasn't long before two arms snaked around my waist behind me, pulling me into him "congrats, brat"

I swivelled around in his arms to face him. He had a small smirk and I gave a smile. "Thanks" Levi moved his arms up around me neck and pulled me down so he could kiss me.

He released it quick "I love you, Eren." I smiled before I replied the loving words.

"I love you too" he then pulled me back down. This kiss was long and more passionate than before. I ignored the irritated coughing of Mikasa and the voice of Armin scolding her. We ignored the snickering of Erwin and the squeals of Hanji.

When the kiss ended Levi released me. I turned to face my friends "we should probably go to those diner reservations, right?" We all made diner reservations at a restaurant to celebrate mine, Armin's and Mikasa's graduations.

"Yeh, totally. Eren, where is it again." Armin looked at me, joy filled in his eyes. I know he was super hyped to graduate.

"Oh, it's just literally 10 minutes away if we walk. Don't worry, I'll lead" I gave the blond a smile and he returned it.

I felt Levi snake his fingers between mine. I turned to face him and I could see some jealousy in them. I couldn't help but laugh slightly.

Turning around to face him, I slid one arm around him waist and I used the other free hand to clear his face from a strand of hair. "Levi, you jealous Baka" he blushed slightly and I gave him a peck on the lips.

"Eren, where the hell did you get that idea from?" I just laughed at him.

"Come on Levi." I really didn't know what to say. I just pulled him into a hug and held him tight. I could feel him grip my shirt on my chest as I nuzzled my chin in his soft, silky hair. "You know I love you more than anything." I felt him nuzzle closer to me. I couldn't help but smile at the unusually affectionate raven.

"You guyyyssss!" Hanji started squealing. Not to my surprise, she was bouncing too, balling her hands together in once. I saw the slight nudge Erwin gave her.

Levi escaped my body and gave Hanji a death glare that I only laughed at. It was time we made a move to make our way to the restaurant now. "Eren, take us where we need to go." Levi's voice sounded agitated. We can all thank Hanji for that.

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