C9: Mornings

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~~Eren POV~~

I woke up to a warm body beside me. It was like all of a sudden my life was almost good once again.

I opened my eyes to look at the pale face facing me. His eyes were still closed so I leaned in and kissed his nose "morning Levi."

He groaned at my tiresome voice. "What time is it?" His eyes were open slightly now, looking into mine.

"I dunno, does it matter?" I gave a small cheeky smile at him. He just grunted at me.

I decided to lighten the mood so I sat up and brought one leg over Levi. I was now straddling him, my arms either side of Levi holding me up.

"Levi, don't fall asleep" I dragged asleep on. He groaned at me, opening his eyes slightly once again. He gave me a smirk and grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me down onto him.

My eyes were wide with shock but were closed when Levi's lips hit mine with passion.

The kiss was deep and it felt good. It was forceful but passionate. I released the kiss and looked down on him smiling. "When did you learn to kiss like that?" I chuckled at him.

He grunted at me and pulled me down to kiss me again, only parting to say "shut up". I couldn't help but smile through the kiss.

"Do we have to go to school today?" No idea why I broke the kiss to say that. I frowned at my own question, mirroring Levi's frown.

"Seriously, brat? And yeh we do, your grades are important to me and I'm falling behind in most classes"

I sat up, now sitting on Levi's stomach. I felt guilty for doing this because I felt like I would crush him. I was examining his wall behind him now. The patterns on it were drawn on. "Levi, how did you do this to your wall?"

I saw Levi cringe as I asked this. I now wished I hadn't asked. "Ah, Erwin's parents got someone to paint it on" I was now full of curiosity.

"Was it expensive?" I felt Levi tense up below me as I looked back down at him, stroking a stray strand on hair that sat on his face, slightly covering his right eye.

"Jesus Christ brat! Yes it was. Why are you so damn nosy?" I could see slight amusement in his eyes. I smiled at him, only being returned by a groan.

He rolled onto his side so I fell off of him and was now laid next to him.i continued to watch his face as I came closer to him. I blew on his face so he would pay attention to me.

Next thing I knew, I had got thumped on the head by Levi. "Let me sleep." His voice was groggy and I felt like being a smart ass towards him.

"But only two minutes ago you were saying we had to go to school. We only have twenty minutes before we actually have to leave." I had only just glance at an alarm clock next to Levi's bed.

He groaned at me as I smirked at him. He opened his eyes to see my smirk and a small smirk found it's way onto Levi's face. "Damned brat." He sat up and slid his legs off of the bed and onto the expensive wooden floor. "Get up, Eren"

I didn't move as I watched Levi change, he turned around to growl at me "why are you fucking watching me, you little perv." I heard the amusement in his voice as I gave a cheesy grin at him just to tease.

I slipped on the bed and found my clothes. After slipping them I turned around to find Levi staring at me. I started laughing "and you call me a perv" he growled at me once again.

"Come on Eren. Get your cute ass to follow me." I blushed a lot here. He just called my ass cute. He smirked at my flustered face before turning around and motioning me to follow him out the room.

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