C7: Hunter

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Winging it again! I really couldn't get into it today, sorry and I was half asleep, sorry but it's gonna make no sense most of the time and be crappy writing. Not much else to say so enjoy! (^o^)


~~Levi POV~~

Eren left me... He left me alone on his bed, while I was trying... Trying to comfort him. I failed. Were we over?

It was minutes after I heard the front door slam. I hadn't moved from my spot. I just stared at my empty hands that were once before tangled in the brunets hair.

He doesn't want me to care. I gripped my hands in the bed sheets and clenched them in my hands.

I needed to find him. I needed to save him from doing something stupid, even if he didn't want me to. I love him, I will protect and help him.

Shifting my head to the left to see the open bedroom door, I stood up weakly and walked threw it. My mind was everywhere. Staring at the stairs now in front of me I clambered down them and reached out of the front door.

Tripping on the many steps I finally made it to the main road. I needed to think of where Eren might be.

I thought of his favourite places, the one that stood out was the place we first went out on our, I don't know if you can call it this, but our first 'date' thing.

The silent park

Hoping Eren would be there I quickly made my way to the field of emptiness. Once I reached its gates to loneliness I scanned the field hoping to find Eren. I couldn't see him.

I have no idea where else he could be... This was stupid, I barely knew the kid and we were dating. We were a joke. I don't know anything about him, his favourites, what he likes, what he dislikes.

I guess we weren't meant to be...
But that didn't matter. I needed Eren to be okay.

Gripping my phone from my back pocket I searched my contacts till I found 'beautiful brat'. I remember naming him this, tears reached my eyes somehow. Damn Eren made me weak, he changed me, to be weak.

I dialled I his number, hoping for him to reply, not expecting him to.

Voice mail, I left a message~

'Eren, please... Just please don't do anything stupid. I care about you, I am here for you and I always will be, no matter what you do. I don't know what i would do without you, brat. I love you, remember that.'

My love for him was fake. I didn't know him, I only knew his cowardice, from me hurting him, I never knew him. I don't know anything about him. I just don't want him to be hurt right now.

I sat at a swing in the park and hung on it. My feet swinging me back and forth ever so slightly. I played with my fingers while I held my phone. I hung my head down.

I had done this to Eren, I was bad for him. He deserved someone who actually did help him, who made him feel special and him to be happy they cared. I was not that person. I had to stop loving him.

My thoughts were stopped by a buzz on my phone. A text. From the shitty brat I was trying I forget.

'Stop caring, I don't want you to care so get lost and don't ever talk to me again!'

I had to admit, it hurt... A lot. I didn't care, this wasn't about me, it's about him, he's not allowed to hurt himself again. But if I keep texting him I'll know he's okay and not.... Dead....

'Eren Shut up and quit acting like a baby.'

I felt so much pain, I hated all of this. Eren is the only person I have truly loved so much, yet I barely knew him. My love for him isn't real, it's what I want it to be.

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