C10: Horse and More Horses

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~~Levi POV~~

I ignored the horse face dick nearing us and tried my hardest to comfort Eren. I could see the fear in his eyes and his anxiety was radiating off his body. "Eren, calm down. He's not going to hurt you if I'm here. I promise. Please don't be afraid"

Eren bad stopped backing away from me and was up against the lockers. I know Eren could hurt Jean and win in a fight with him, so why was he cowering?

I managed to get hold of Eren's arm and pull him close to my body. I was still ignoring the dick talk of the horse faced dick now close to us.

I could feel Eren shaking uncontrollably in my hold. I could feel his eyes pinned on the horse that was right next to us. "Oi, Ackerman. You still sucking at that pussy?"

I could feel Eren tense up, I slightly tensed up too, but tried to relax myself to keep down my anger and try my best to comfort and protect Eren. "Shh, Eren, calm down. It's okay."

My arms which were wrapped around Erens body tightened, hoping it would help with the comforting. "Ha! Does jaeger boy need protecting. Does jaeger boy need some dick to calm him down?"

My anger was high now, but with all my effort I tried to use that anger to keep Eren calm and feel as safe as I could make him. "Le-Levi?" Eren began struggling in my arms. He wanted to get away. I released my grip, looked up into his eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the nose.

"Eren, just run, you'll be fine and I'll be fine. " I gave him a small smile as his face stayed afraid. He cautiously walked around the corner, not turning his back and left.

Turning to face Jean, I let my anger get the better of me. "Fuck you playing with Jean! Huh? Marcos dick huh? We all know you gay!" I shouted at him as I beat the shit out of him.

Why he would still mess with me and Eren, even after knowing I could easily beat the shit out of him was beyond me.

Leaving the moaning dick on the ground, I stepped over him and made my way, casually though the halls in search of Eren.


School had finished for the day and I didn't see Eren anywhere. All his friends had no clue where he was so all I could do was presume he had gone home.

To make sure my presumption was correct, I knocked on his front door, only to be confronted by an angry Mikasa.

She gave a grunt before trying to slam the door on me, only I stopped it using my foot and my hand pressing up against the door. "Don't close the fucking door on me Mikasa."

"Stay the fuck away from Eren, Levi." She used more force to close the door, nonetheless, it was no match for Levi.

"I need to talk to Eren. Or at least tell me he's in there and he's okay." I was scowling at her, not moving my muscles or foot.

"He's in here and he's fine as long as you don't come in." She had a protective voice and Levi was sure she wouldn't let him in so this was all he could do for now.

"Okay, promise me you'll take care of him, will you." I listened for a 'I promise' and once I heard one I pulled my foot back in line with my body and relaxed my arm.

~~Eren POV~~

Mikasa had just walked back in my room from answering the door. I was sat on my bed, my knees up to my chest as I rested my chin on them.

"Eren, I'm back, you still okay?" Yeh, I guess I was okay. Why was I being such a coward at the moment. I really was a pussy right now.

"Yeh Mika, I'm fine. Who was at the door?" The look on her face was still worry some.

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