C3: Fresh

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Hi, I hope you enjoyed my last chapter, hopefully this chapter will be super sweet and adorable and hopefully you guys will love it. I love writing it, it's so much fun and yh enjoy! (^o^)


~~Eren POV~~

Once I reached the park I noticed Levi sat on the abandoned climbing frame. Suddenly I felt the deep down pain, the need to hurt, to feel pain. I was confused so I ignored the need.

Walking slowly up to Levi, head down, he saw me and jumped down to approach me, keeping distance.
"Brat?" His voice echoed in my ear, I didn't want to reply, I didn't need to.
Just then he grabbed my arm and made me look at him,

"Get off me Levi." I tried to have a harsh voice, nope, it was weak.

"Brat, talk to me" his voice was stern and stubborn, not letting go of me I yanked my arm out of his grip only to be gripped on the arm again.

I groaned, and scowled at Levi, I knew all he wanted was to hurt me, and to make a joke out of all this.

I decided to sit on the grass, knowing Levi wouldn't sit afterward, he was a clean freak, he would freak out if he mud got on his clothes

He sat.
I stared at him for a while, confused
"Eren, tell me" his voice was softer than usual, what the hell was wrong with him?

"Why did you need to see me" my voice was harsh this time, it had meaning, it was powerful and strong, it felt good, but not right, I couldn't do it anymore.

"Eren, I uh- uh I " he stopped talking. I noticed a pale blush sprinkle on his pale muscular face. I just looked up at him, no emotion. I didn't care, he didn't care.
But I did care. But I didn't know why.

"Spit it out Levi" my voice was weak again, Levi noticed my weak voice and knew he was stronger than me"

"I never want to see you get hurt." My eyes widened as he spoke those words, never in a million year I would've expected to hear them. Then I looked down in disbelief

"Ha! Yeh right." Levi looked weak at my face, why the hell was he weak.

"Eren" he paused looking down at my crossed legs "I - I" he stopped speaking.

"Levi stop, I don't care what you have to say, it's only going to be lies, I don't want to hear lies, I don't want to hear pity, I don't want to hear you care" Levi looked at me blankly, I avoided looking at his face and just looked around the empty park. The sky was clouded, I knew there was a rain storm approaching, I didn't care.

"Levi! If you don't have anything to say then..." My words were stopped when I felt warm, soft, thick lips meet mine. My eyes widened, but I embraced the kiss. It had been a quick kiss when I realised what was happening and backed away.

I liked it, I really did, but didn't believe what he gave me, it didn't feel real, it felt fake, not real. I didn't trust him.

Levi's eyes were wide, but still emotionless, the blushing on his pale skin darker red than before. What just happened. It wasn't right.... Was it?

~~Levi POV~~

Shit! I just kissed him didn't i! His face! He hated it! He didn't like it! He hated me now! What did I just do! I ruined everything!
I looked at Eren as Eren looked at my lips, I was biting them now, nervous, scared. Man, I was scared. I was idiotic.

"Levi?" Eren just questioned me with a questioning look, I blew it! I felt tears kissing my eyes, threatening to escape. No! They are not going to fall.

"Eren, I'm s-sorry" I stuttered my words as I spoke. Erens eyes didn't leave mine for a while. We both had thoughts attacking our heads, many many questions.

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