C11: Plans

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I think I might end it soon because I don't really see much happening. I have a plan now so yeh. Bit late, but hey. Thank you so much for all the votes and reads on the previews chapters.


~~Eren POV~~

I awoke to a warm body beside me. I must've fell asleep while Levi was with me. I stared into the stunning ravens face. He looked peaceful. I liked to see him this way. Happy.

Maybe I should trust him. It was just a dream, right? He wouldn't actually leave me. Right? I guess he hasn't done much wrong. I overreacted, again. I was the one in the wrong.

In fact, I was the one who left him. I left him because I was a coward. He came back to me, even though Mikasa didn't let him in, he found a way to get through my window and comfort me. I was in the wrong. I was the untrustworthy one. Levi is the one who should feel betrayed.

I lifted my elbow up to my side so it held me up slightly. The soft arm that was wrapped around me slid off, making the raven groan "Eren, you okay?" It was a very dingy voice. His eyes were still closed.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me" his eyes flickered open as he reach up to my shoulder. He pulled me down so I laid next to him again.

His eyes closed as he cuddle closer to me and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. "Of course I do" I stared blankly at the door as I rested my chin on his soft, silky hair.

"No, you really don't" I whispered quietly. It was mainly towards myself.


It wasn't long before we actually got up, had breakfast and left for school. All the while we were together. He did make me feel special, but was I good enough for him? Probably not.

The whole school day was uneventful. I spent my free time with Levi, him cradling me. He knew I was feeling kind of depressed today, so he came home with me. I suppose to make sure I don't do anything. I have been clean for quite a while now. All thanks to Levi, Mikasa and Armin I suppose. It's always them that keep me safe. I owe my life to them all.

We had been cuddling on my bed for a while, talking to each other about pointless things.

Levi began to stroke my hair and I opened my eyes to see Levi staring right back into my eyes. "You know, one day I'm going to marry you. We'll adopt a kid and become a family."

I gave me a sweet smile of which I returned. "Who's gonna be the bride" I chuckled, causing Levi to chuckle slightly too.

"I love your laugh. And obviously your gonna be the bride" we laughed quietly together before Levi closed the gap between our lips. It was a sweet and tender kiss. It was passionate and made me feel special.

"Only if you treat me like one" I gave a smirk to Levi before he straddled over me. I reached up to his neck, pulling him down to kiss his soft, plush lips.

I felt his hands creep up my torso. I smiled into the kiss as he took my shirt off. I did the same to him. Once our lips lost contact, Levi sat up smirking down on me. "Eren, why the hell do you keep making me smile?" He whined as he continued to give me a smirk.

"We'll I'm sorry. You're the one who just said you're gonna marry me someday." I chuckled as he shuffled his position, grinding our hips together slightly. It bit my lips to hold back the little moan that would've emerged from my lips if I didn't. "A-are you actually go-gonna?"

He laughed a little through his smirk and he leaned down to whisper in my ear "would I say it if it wasn't true?" I shivered at his breath against my neck.

Only grabbing his neck and pulling his lips to mine once again before releasing "I don't know would you?" Levi just rolled his eyes and I just chuckled at his annoyance.

"Shut up. No I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true" I chuckled and pulled him down on top of me. I nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. I felt his hands clawing on my chest as he relaxed.

We skipped dinner as we both fell asleep together, me cradling him.


Ermegod! This is such a short chapter and I feel so bad! Gomen Gomen!
I'll probably have another chapter up later though. I promise that it'll be so much longer and it's leading towards the end on the story. I tried to add fluff for ya all, Idek if it's any good. Take this as a filler chapter. XD


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