New fan fic?

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'Eren's life is at an end. There is no way to escape the dead end he's made for himself. There is no life left in him. Levi, a very popular drug dealer who only makes Eren's dead end worse. Taking more life away from him. Eren has to make a choice. It can only be seen as life or death. With either choice he choses, there's no guarantee that he'll achieve it. He could end up with the other choice.'

So basically - Eren is 16 and he's ever since his mother died at the age of 13 he's been doing drugs and alcohol. Smoking weed and things like that.

Levi is a popular drug dealer who finds Eren and sees him as an easy target to sell his drugs to.

Eren then has the choice to stop doing drugs or continue. If he stops there's no guarantee that he won't have a relapse and overdose - choosing to live but it resulting in death.
Or if he choses to carry on doing drugs like it's his last hope to get rid of the pain and he decided to end it all, there's no guarantee that he will be able to actually do it to himself - choosing death but only continuing to live.

So then I don't exactly know what will happen but hey. PM me with any suggestions of what I should do.

But then I also thought of a supernatural type fan fic.

'On the outskirts of Maria there is a large forest called Sina. No human dares go there. Within the trees lives a rare species called Vampire. They forever guard their territories within the forest. Their enemies, the werewolf, forever try to kill and take over the Vampires territories. Levi is the king of the Vampire species. He longs to taste the blood of werewolf blood. Eren is a lone werewolf. He sticks with a small pack consisting of Mikasa and Armin. He's determined to kill all Vampires ever since his mother was killed by one in front of his eyes.

Follow the story of their lives in (whatever the name will be XDXD)

I dunno, so basically the description says it all there. I don't really know what else to put.

So then yh, PM me with any ideas with that.

Okay so I guess it'll be a vote. Just comment if you think it should be
'Vampire!levi x Eren!werewolf'
I dunno just say 'drug Eren x Levi' or something XD

So yeah. What do you think?


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