C6: Questions & Surprises

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Uh- so yh, the plan I had... Changed, last chapter went nothing like I had planned so... Don't hate me but I have no idea what to do here so yh. Enjoy anyways (^o^)


~~Erens POV~~

Slowly opening my eyes, squinting the sun away from my eyes, I could see a figure in the chair near my head. My eyes widened, who was it!

After gasping I realised it was Levi's eyes on mine. He looked chilled. I just moaned and turned around, to hide my face in the sofas back. I squeezed the blanket tightly at my chin.

Hearing a groan I just squeezed my eyes and relaxed again. "You gonna get up jaeger?" An annoyed voice came closer to me. The owner of the voice touched my shoulder gently to turn me around to face the bright sun.

"Get up!" I groaned and tried to turn back into the couch, to curl myself away in the sofa.

"Go away" I managed to groan those few words out. Next thing I knew I had been knocked off of the warmth of the sofa and onto the hard wooded floor.

Levi just crouched beside me as I now led, eyes squinting, on the hard, uncomfortable floor. I let a small smile go for Levi, only for a return of being picked up, bridal style. Once again I groaned again

"Put me down" my voice was weak and quiet. Who could blame me, I had just woken up. The sun coming in from the large window by the couch was blinding me.

"Eren, I've been up for hours, you need to get up now" his expressions were unclear, angry? Annoyed? Joking? I generally didn't know, it was impossible to tell.

Another groan left my lips. "You're so mean" voice still weak I looked at my wrist and saw the now clean cut.
"Did you clean it?" I could feel Levi's eyes on me, but I just stared at the now closed wound

"Yeh, this morning" he paused "you're very welcome, brat"

"Right.... Thank you." I just remembered I'm still in his arms, in the same place. "Are you actually gonna take me anywhere or are you just gonna-" I was cut off, that beautiful idiot!

"Shut up, brat. I'm gonna take you somewhere now, okay, patience!"

We starting heading for the stairs. As we walked up the old floor boards creaked.

The new light flashing from the large window at the top of the stairs starting piercing my eyes, leaving me practically blind.

Once I could see again I was in the door way to my room. Obviously, he was taking me to my bedroom.

Levi stopped in his track "Eren, what the hell happened to this door" he sounded full of annoyance.

I just chuckled at his tone of voice, this was hard for me to do. I hated to be even the slightest of happiness, it made me feel guilty. I shouldn't be happy, even the slightest hint.

"Mikasa happened" i was still half asleep. My eyes were closed in Levi's arms. I desperately wanted to sleep again, even though Levi was still here

All I heard was Levi moan. "Thanks, that's helpful..." I knew it was sarcasm but his voice had no expression, that made it really annoying, you can't tell when he's angry or joking or shit like that.

He just stepped over the door and placed me on my bed. I curled up on my side and I felt soft lips touch my cold cheek.

Seconds later I heard a moan and a bang against the wall. I turned around quickly and saw that Levi was trying to fix my door. That idiot, "I liked it the way it was" I made my voice full of annoyance.

Unforgettable [ERERI / EREN X LEVI]Where stories live. Discover now