C13: Petals

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Happy Christmas Eve! And I'll say Happy Christmas too 'cause I won't update tomorrow. I will with my other fic but not this one. ^-^


~~Levi POV~~

"Levi, come on! Are you ready yet!" Hanji continued to bang at my door. I was sat on my bed, holding a picture of me and Eren together. We were at a theme park at the time and Eren was bugging me about not going on this one Roller-coaster with him.


"Levi, come on!" He dragged the 'n' on. I gazed up to the massive ride and cringed at the thought of being that high up.

What feared me the most was it breaking down up there. The thought of being stuck so high up and not being able to get down feared me the most.

He started poking my sides as I flinched at each poke. "Eren, c-come on. Stop it. I-I'm not getting on it" he started laughing as I folded my arms in a stubborn manner.

He stopped poking me and cupped my cheeks so I would look up to him at his face. "If you do, I'll give you a present." He gave me a smirk as I stayed emotionless. I wanted that present but no way was I going on that ride.

It seemed I was unresponsive to his offer. "Levi!" He dragged on the 'e' and 'I' "why don't you want to go on it. I'll keep you safe!" He gave me a cute smile with that and I couldn't help but let out a small smile at the cuteness.

"You know you're adorable right" he kissed my forehead before his smile left with a menacing shine in his eyes.

"Quit changing the subject" he then kissed my nose before starting to pull me to the ride "come on! Were getting on it"

I snatched my hand out of his grip before folding my arms once again. "Eren, I told you. I'm not getting on it. Go alone for all I care" I regretted what I said at the end, for it was mean. I never meant it but it was nasty.

He smiled as he snaked his arms around my waist before nuzzling his chin in my hair "okay. I don't want to go without you." He then released me before poking my cheeks "come on! Cheer up old man!"

It annoyed me as he called me old "E-Eren! Stop it. And I'm only 8 years old than you!" He only smiled more as he kissed my lips.

The kiss was simple at first but made it's way to passionate. Everything around us, like the people staring or yelling curses at us. The noises of the ride, they were gone until minutes later when Eren pulled away from me, blushing a deep red.

He obviously felt embarrassed from the people shouting and staring. I pulled him into me, nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck before whispering to him so only he could hear "don't worry, sweetie. They're all old geezers." I teased when he pulled out from me.

He was smiling and I was smiling. He pulled his phone out before leaning next to me, smiling at his phone.

I continued to smile until I realised it was a photo he was taking "there! Finally, I got you to smile!" He teased me as I frowned once again.


Eren was always afraid to show our relationship in public and I was never going to make him. I understood. But before long he didn't care anymore and would express our love no matter what people thought.

I stroked the glass of the picture before placing it gently down on the duvet on my bed.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, tidying my black suit and my hair before nodding and opening the door to see a stunning Hanji.

She wore a long, red dress that was clinging to her figure. She looked amazing. "You ready!?" She beamed dragging me down the long hall.

"Yeh, yeh I am. Let go of me, I can walk on my own" she only chuckled when she let go of me.

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