Fan Encounter

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Kirishima POV

They start to head over to us. The girls looks really shy and hides behind, who, I could only assume, was her brother.

"Hi um," he points at Bakugo and I and continues. "Are you two Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima?"

We look at each other smiling. "Yeah they are! They're amazing, too!" Mina says as she pushes Bakugo forward next to me.

The girl speaks up. "H-hi.."

Her brother looks at us and says, "she's a really big fan of Bakugo. She's loves watching you two in TV"

She punches him slightly. He just laughs.

Bakugo smiles warmly at them both. I smile right along with him. "Don't worry! They don't bite! Well, maybe Bakugo does... but you're safe if Kirishima's there!" Denki jokes as he puts his arm on bakugos shoulder.

"Denki, you're gonna die someday at the hands of him. I just know it" Jirou says as she stands in the space between me and Bakugo.

"Alright you can stop scaring them now. Jesus" Bakugo says laughing softly.

"It's really nice to meet you! What are your names?" I ask looking at them.

"Oh I'm Benihime Kaze (kah-zeh) and this is my sister. C'mon, introduce yourself!" He says reassuring her with a smile.

We both look at her with caring expressions.

"I'm Kai Kaze.." She says playing with the hem of her skirt. She looks really shy. I mean I would be, too, if I was meeting a group of teenagers training to be heroes at UA.

"I love that name" I hear Bakugo mutter.

"Ok, Bakubitch, now's not the time to be shy. Say what you said. I bet she'd be happy to hear it!" I say nudging him.

She immediately stops playing with the hem of her skirt and looks up at him with hopeful eyes.

He looks at her and smiles. "I love that name"

Her face lights up as she smiles. "Thank you!"

"She's really self-conscious about her name" I hear a woman say from behind them. She was the same woman from before. "It probably makes her really happy to hear her idol say that. Thank you" she smiles so warmly.

"Oh of course. As I said before, I really love the name. It's pretty in my opinion" he smiles at her mother.

"JUST HUG ALREADY YOU'RE MAKING ME HAPPY AND I DON'T APPROVE OF YOU NOT HUGGING!!" Denki yells from behind us, making us both jump slightly.

The two look at us with hopeful eyes. we look at each other and nod. We make hand gestures signaling them to come over. They smile brightly and run to us. The girl is almost as tall as Bakugo and the boy almost as tall as me.

Bakugo whispers something to the girl. His hand is on her head and the other on her torso. She smiles and says something back. (he says "I believe in you. You can be a hero. All you have to do is try" She says "thank you. I'm so grateful to meet you")

I whisper to the boy, "hey, take this" I take out two stickers. One has me on it, and the other has Bakugo. His face shows everything. He's so happy and it's making me smile so much.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH. MY. GOD!!!" He's so excited he's basically dancing around. "You don't know how much this means to me! I've wanted this one since I found it!" He holds up the one with me on it. I'm happy I can make someone so happy.

"And Kai has wanted this one since she found it!" He holds the one with Bakugo on it.

"Bro y'all should take a picture!" Mina says waving her- wait.. no Bakugo's phone in the air.

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