The Missing Four

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3rd POV

It's Saturday morning and Mina is looking for four people she noticed were gone. She can't seem to find them anywhere and is getting worried. She checked their dorms, the common area, the kitchen, everywhere it seems. She decides to start asking around.

"Hey have you guys seen Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, and/or Shinsou?"

"No I haven't. But ask Iida, he might know" Momo tells her.

She takes her advice and asks him.
"Hey Iida?"
"Have you seen Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, and/or Shinsou?"
"I am afraid I have not besides this morning. But, I did hear them talking about going somewhere. I don't quite remember where though"

"Thanks Iida! That will give me a better idea of where they might be. Now I know they aren't here" she thanks him.
"Of course, Ashido"

She heads back to her dorm to grab some extra things before she left. She had an idea of where they might be. She overheard them once talking about going somewhere in the mall.

She decides to bring someone to help her on her quest. That person being Aika. She calls her.

"Hey Aika!"
"Hey Mina!"
"I need your help with something"
"What is it?"
"I can't find Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, or Shinso and I was wondering if you could help me find them?"
"Yeah no problem!"
"Great! Meet me in the common room and I'll inform you on some details"

They meet in the common room and Mina explains further on what she thinks.
"Ok. So I have some ideas on where they could be. First, Kirishima and Bakugo. I know that Bakugo likes hiking and Kirishima goes with him sometimes"

"Ok. Do you know anywhere he likes to hike in particular?"

"Yeah. There's somewhere around here he's said he likes going to"

"Ok. And what about Shinso and Denki?"

"They're a little trickier. I don't know much about Shinso. But I do know that Denki likes random things that keep him entertained. Like video games, board games, anything that will occupy him"
She counted the list off with her fingers as she spoke.

Then Todoroki walked in. He had a cup in hand and before he spoke, he took a drink of whatever was in there.
"Or you can just call them"
They froze. "Good point" Mina said in a disappointed tone. He rose his eyebrows and tightened his lips to make a straight (gay) line. He nodded as he released his lips and walked out of the room.

Mina went to her contacts and clicked on Kirishima's contact. She held it up to her ear and waited for the ring to fall silent. But it didn't. It went to voicemail.

She called again. Voicemail. Again. Voicemail. She started to get worried. She knew something wasn't right. But she didn't want to jump to conclusions. So she called Bakugo.

Same thing happened. She tried Denki. Same thing again. Now she was getting more and more worried. She started to panic.

She called Kai and Benihime down. She asked if they could call Bakugo since he would most likely pick up to them instead. Same thing happened.

They called Hitori to see if he could help. He had gotten closer to Denki and Shinso and they thought he might be able to help.

But he didn't pick up either. They tried again. Same thing happened. Again. He finally picked up on the last ring.

"Uh hi?"
"Sorry! We need your help with something"
"What is it?"
"Come to UA. It's better to explain in person"
"I'm on my way"

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