New Students

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3rd POV

Bakugo and Kirishima fall asleep in Bakugo's bed. Bakugo feels Kirishima tossing and turning in his sleep and he opens his eyes. He sees Kirishima shaking and he wakes him up.

"Hey. Wake up"
Kirishima opens his eyes and Bakugo can see he's been crying. Kirishima looks up at Bakugo and he quickly hugs him.

"You're ok..." he whispers.
"Yeah?" He wraps his hands around Kirishima. "What happened? What did you dream about?"
"You were killed..."
Bakugo's eyes widened and he hugs Kirishima tighter.
"It was only a dream. I'm ok"
"I know.." he sighs.

They eventually fell asleep again and Kirishima didn't have another nightmare that night. They woke up to the sound of an alarm going off.

It was Monday and they were not looking forward to going to school that day. They got up and begrudgingly got up. (Big boy words). Kirishima headed back to his dorm to get ready.

Bakugo went in the bathroom and took a shower before getting dressed. He brushed his teeth and grabbed his phone before he left his dorm. He got in the elevator and Mina was already there so they started talking.

"Should we ask Aika and Benihime if Hitori is doing ok?" Mina asked.
"Yeah that would be a good idea" he answered.

Mina called Aika and she soon picked up when the elevator doors opened. "Hey is Hitori doing ok?"
"Yeah! He opened up a little last night. He's really sweet. He's 17 and works two jobs. The sushi place and a club close by. He's a little anxious and jumpy though. He won't say why"

"Ok just don't push too much! He might not be comfortable around us yet"
"Will do! He left for work not too long ago. I gotta go. Me and Beni have to get to school. Bye!"
"Me too. Bye!"

She hangs up and sits down at the table in the kitchen. She and Bakugo talk while he cooks. He finishes and calls out to the class, "BREAKFAST IS READY! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!"

The class files into the kitchen and starts grabbing plates. Everyone sits down and starts eating. When they finish, they put their plates in the sink and start walking to school in their groups.

They get to the school and walk to class. Once they're there, Aizawa slithers in like a yellow worm on a string. He gets up and unzips his sleeping bag.

"There will be three new students today. I'm gonna sleep while they introduce themselves and answer questions. Don't wake me up"

Aika, Beni and Kai walk in and their faces light up when they see each other.
"Mina! Bakugo!" Aika says waving at them.
"Hey!" They say waving back.

Aika starts to introduce herself.
"Hi my name is Aika Kina and my quirk is Intelligence. Basically, I'm really good with computers and have about 3 times the amount of intelligence as a normal person"

Next, Benihime introduces himself.
"My name is Benihime Kaze and my quirk is Lava. I can make lava with my body and solidify it if I choose to"

Next up is Kai.
"My name is Kai Kaze and my quirk is Sand and Rock. I can make sand and can turn into sand and reappear in a different area. I can also look at someone and turn them to rock. But I can turn them back if I choose"

People start asking questions. Iida raised his hand and Aika called on him.
"Kina, what kind of intelligence do you have? Math, hacking, or anything of the sort?" He asks.
"Pretty much anything. But I specialize in math and computers. Thank you for asking!" She replies with a smile on her face.
He nods and Momo raises her hand. Kai calls on her.
"Kaze, are you able to control the sand you create?"
"Yes! I can move it or make sandstorms with it. It is dangerous if not handled properly though"

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