New Relationship

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3rd POV (I'm probably just gonna start the story without the POV thing. Just assume it's a 3rd POV unless I say otherwise)

Rin finished up with Denki and he was about to heal Hitori. But then it hit him, he only had one method left: a kiss. He had used the others so he only had one option left.

The others soon realized this and they start to laugh a little.
"Um... I can-" he was cut off by Hitori.
"You can only use one option. And that option is a kiss" Hitori said as he sat up and looked the other boy in the eyes. Rin quickly averted his gaze and looked around the room.

Hitori smirked and decided to tease him a little. He grabbed the side of the boy's face softly and turned his head to face him. Rin's eyes widened and his face flushed. He froze.

Hitori licked his lips slightly and smirked at him.
"What?~" He asked. He got slightly closer and said, "you gonna do it or not?~" he didn't look away from the boy's eyes once. Rin on the other hand, avoided eye contact at all costs.

"I- um... it-it has to be... on the lips.. 
f-for it to actually w-work..." he stuttered.
Hitori smirked and leaned closer.
"As I said," he wet his lips. "Are you gonna do it or not?~"
Rin froze again.
Bakugo looked at the two, smirking, and said, "kiss already, cowards"

Hitori said, "Bakugo's orders" shrugged and smirked. He pulled the boy in and kissed him. Rin's eyes widened but he quickly closed them and kissed back. He knew he had to kiss him for a certain amount of time for it to work.

The green mist swirled around the two and Rin sensed it was over but continued anyway. Hitori was clearly enjoying himself and didn't mind the kiss at all. In fact, the others could most certainly say he liked it.

Their lips moved in rhythm. This went on for about 2 minutes as the others cheered. Hitori laid his free hand on the space next to the other boy's side. He started to lean forward and moved his hand that was on Rin's cheek down to his chest. He started to push him down slowly. Rin was eventually underneath Hitori. (Just to let you know, Hitori is a hardcore top. Rin is a hardcore bottom. And yes there will be more KiriBaku later in this chapter don't worry).

They continued for about another minute. They realized that they weren't alone in that room. They didn't care and continued for about 20 more seconds. But it had to stop eventually. Hitori disconnected their lips and slowly pulled away from him. His eyelids slowly opened and his feathery lashes revealed his gorgeous eyes.

They both were panting and Hitori wiped his mouth while smirking down at Rin. He winked at him and he got up. Rin's face flushed red and he sat up. He pulled his shirt collar to his mouth and he wiped the saliva off of his lips.

Hitori ran his fingers through his hair and flipped it. He was smirking at Rin and Rin quickly looked away.

Mina was squealing as she looked back at the video she was recording.
"Bro, you know you like just met and you already made out. At least go out to dinner first" Denki laughed.

"I'll pay" Hitori smirked at Rin. Rin quickly hid his face with his sweater sleeves.
"Jesus Christ you're adorable" Hitori muttered. This made Rin hide his face further. He whined in protest. Hitori laughed softly and moved closer to the boy. He gently pulled Rin's hands away from his face.

Mina shrieked and made them both jump.
"JESUS FUCK MINA!" Hitori yelled in surprise. This made Rin laugh softly which made Hitori smile.

"You two need to go out sometime. Y'all are gay as fuck" Bakugo said.

"And you aren't?" Hitori smirked at him.

"Nah but my boyfriend is" he smirked back at him.
"Oh ok" Hitori said jokingly. "I thought you were gay for a second"
"Nah bro" Bakugo laughed.
He then turned to Kirishima and kissed him. Kirishima was surprised but he kissed back. When they pulled away they smiled at each other and laughed softly.

"Ok I have to arrange a date for you two!" Aika clapped her hands. "You're so cute!"

Hitori laughed slightly. "Consent, my guy, consent"
"RIN!" She screamed.
"H-huh?" His voice was small.
"Will you go on a date with Hitori?! He's a sweet boy. He a guh boy" she said smiling sweetly.

He hid his face again and said something but it was muffled. Hitori teases him again. "What was that hon~?"
Rin whined and buried his head deeper into his hands. Hitori gently took his hands away and put his hand on his cheek in a loving way.
"It's ok. Say what you need to" there was no teasing in his voice and he sounded genuine.

All Rin could do was nod and turn his face and bury it into Hitori's hand.
"Awwwww" everyone said in unison. Even Bakugo said it. Hitori pulled the small boy into his lap.

Even though they just met, there was something in between them that seemed like a strong bond. Rin curled up in Hitori's lap. Every one was in awe.

Bakugo and Kirishima looked at each other and smiled. Bakugo cuddled up against Kirishima and kissed his cheek. Kirishima kissed him on the lips and they smiled at each other again.

Mina saw and tapped Aika on the arm. She pointed to the two who were talking and laughing among themselves. They were so happy and it made the two girls smile. They had to admit, the two of them were the cutest thing they had ever seen.

Everyone had to leave eventually. Hitori and Rin left with each other, Beni and Aika went with each other, and Kirishima and Bakugo went with each other.

The two boys left Mina's room, hands intertwined. The dekusquad was walking through the halls for some reason and they saw the two boys laughing and talking with each other. They stared in awe and Midoriya nearly had a heart attack. He saw Bakugo happy with another person. He was fan girling a little he had to admit.

The two boys entered the room and laid on Bakugo's bed. Bakugo was laying on Kirishima and they were talking about random topics. Kirishima played with Bakugo's soft spikes as he talked with him.

"I love you, Kat" Kirishima said.
Bakugo looked at Kirishima and kissed him.
"I love you, too, Ei" he snuggled closer to him and eventually fell asleep. Kirishima wasn't too far behind and soon fell asleep.

Ahhh. Adorable g a y s. I'm gonna write a story of just my OCs. I dunno how well it's gonna do but check it out if you'd like.


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(A.K.A. The Ku Klux Klan A.K.A the KKK for people who didn't know)

Bye Bros~

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