Me: *on Wattpad drinking chocolate milk* Men in Black 3 moment. >:3 *finds One Direction fanfictions* -_- Seriously.....I feel so bad for this poor, horrible group of boys from poor Britain with no offence....
England: Hm? My name was called?
Me: *eyeroll* No.....*scrolls through fanfictions* Who is Alex from Target?????
Belarus: *in dark corner* Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. Marry me, Alex. MARRY ME, ALEX!!!
Me: O_o???? *looks up Alex from Target on Google* O_O Poor dude....I feel so bad for him......It's like Jake from State Farm in which I remember the whole commercial by heart..........Am I the only one?.......*drinks rest of chocolate milk like a boss* So bad.....Sadly, I bought this milk at Target.*passes out*
~Timeskip brought to you by Britain's YOOOOOO~
Me: *wakes up* What happened?
Japan: *looks in the fridge* What happened to arr of the chocorate mirk?!
America: *turns on the TV and sees Alex from Target on the news*
Me: -_- actually happened......feel so bad for the dude......
America: YOLO BRO!