Me: YA! Big Hero 6! *stares intently at Hiro's hair* It's..........j-just so.....fabulous!!! *sparkly*
England: =_=
Me: And Baymax! *hugs Baymax plushie* It's so.....huggable like Todashi made him to be!!
America: ^3^
Me: I want a Baymax!!
Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax, your personal health care companion.
Me: *fangirls inside* OH MEIN GOTT!!! *hugs Baymax*
Hiro: Sup.
Me: *faints*
Hiro: O_o Is she ok?
England: =_= I'm sure she's fine........
Gogo: Sup.
Honey Lemon: Hi! *waves*
Fred: Wassup!
America: *hugs Fred* You are my spirit animal.....and Stan Lee is your father....
Me: All hail Stan Lee!!
Wasabi: Sup.
America: ^_^ Can I eat you all?
Everyone: O_O ???????
Honey Lemon: Oh! I get it! Wasabi and I are named after food! *giggles*
America: ^3^ *eyebrow wiggle* Yep.....can I eat you......and we can have a lemon moment...*wink*
Me: New OTP......NEW OTP!!!!!
XxTheDepressedNerdxX: >:U Hey! America!
Me: Drama! I'll leave...come on Hiro! You comin with meh!
Hiro: ???? So confused.......*leaves*
Baymax: Is anyone satisfied with their care?
**Answer Baymax's question! O_o**