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Grell: Oh bassy! *fabulous wink*

Me: :D

England: =_= What's he doing here?

Me: It's Grell!!!! YAS!!! *hugs Grell*

Grell: Hm. Where's Sebas-chan? ^_^

Sebastian: *facepalm*

Ciel: *can't contain fabulous* I'll be back......*leaves and fanboys like a boss!*

Elizabeth: Have you seen my fiance Ciel? ^_^

Grell: Where's my fiance Sebas-chan?

Sebastian: -_-

Me: *is about to explode* Oh my.......

Alois: *waves swag flag*

Undertaker: *waves swag flag*

William: *waves swag flag*

Claude: *waves swag flag*

Italy: *waves white flag* Veee~

Finnian: ^_^

Baldroy: ^_^

Tanaka: Hohoho ^_^

Mey-Rin: O-O

Me: ^_^

England: *sighs obviously jelly*

*I created the pairing of Ciel x Grell. ^_^ I probably didn't but you know. I didn't even notice until I actually read what I wrote so....... :P*

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