Rescue 101 (Chapter 10)

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"Hop in," Barbara said, rolling up to the security gate in a golf cart. Cruising along the streets of the back lot, Marlow recognized some familiar building facades from the Riverdale TV show. Though wanting very much to stop and peek into windows to see what was actually on the other side, she could only catch glimpses of her reflection in the windows as they zoomed past.

Leaving the cart alongside the many other carts parked side by side, Marlow followed close behind Barbara as she easily maneuvered through the bustling network of crew, production, makeup, wardrobe, and actor trailers. Arriving at a massive, windowless dark grey building, Barbara swiped her ID card against the Sound Stage 10 keypad and pulled the heavy metal door open.

As Marlow stepped over the threshold, the heavy door closed with a resounding thud; its sound swallowed up in the massive interior. Captivated by the variety of interior sets decorated to represent various rooms in a home, all were cluttered with silent cameras and vacant chairs.

"Are these all part of the guys' video?" she asked.

"Not all of them," Barbara answered, leading the way toward the back of the building. "We're only using a small number of the sets. The other scenes are outdoor shots utilizing some of the exterior facades we passed on the way here."

Shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight that blinded her when Barbara opened another heavy black door, Marlow could only make out the silhouette of seven individuals.

"Ciao, Marlow," several familiar voices chimed in unison.

"Ciao," she said, offering a friendly wave to those she recognized seated around a rectangular table, sheltered from the blazing sun by two large umbrellas.

Always a gentleman, Piero quickly rose from his seat and pulled out the chair next to him. Thanking Gianluca for the invitation to lunch, Marlow scooted her chair forward as Piero tucked it underneath her.

Introduced to the others at the table, Marlow felt a warm smile spread across her face when Piero placed his arm around the back of her chair, gently stroking her arm with his thumb. Eagerly holding out her plate when the pizza choices were announced, she opted for vegetarian. Receiving a high-five from the pretty blond-haired girl sitting beside Gianluca, Marlow took her first bite. Using her fingers to break the string of melted cheese that stretched from her mouth to the slice, she covered her mouth with her hand as she chewed and exclaimed, "Ohh! This is so good."

"Pizza is not a pizza if it doesn't have meat," snorted the middle-aged man with round glasses and jet-black spiked hair beside Ignazio.

"Maybe you haven't ever had a good vegetarian pizza?" Marlow innocently said.

"I don't need to eat it to know it tastes like ..." Stopped from finishing his sentence by Piero calling out his name, Marlow looked at Piero.

"Don't worry about Jinn," he said. Leaning in closer and with his voice low, he confessed, "I like a good veggie pizza every once in a while, too."

Checking out what kind of pizza Piero had chosen, Marlow smirked as he peeled off a slice of ham and popped it in his mouth.

Indulging in a good pizza is the one constant, no matter where you live, that is a joyous experience for everyone involved. It is impossible to be in a foul mood. Sitting outside, enjoying the sunshine mixed with a cool breeze, sipping ice-cold beverages, and listening to the laughter of friendships, nothing could spoil a perfect pizza lunch break, or so Marlow thought. Receiving a text message, Jinn's reaction to the news was explosive. Slamming his fist onto the table, causing beverage glasses to rattle, he silenced the laughter. Instinctively retreating into her chair, the intensity of his anger sent a shiver of coldness down Marlow's spine. Feeling trapped and sitting uncomfortably close to him, she dug her fingernails into her palm as she leaned closer to Piero.

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