Acting 101 (Chapter 11)

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"All right, everybody," Jinn announced, "I need you in your places, please."

Pulled aside by the wardrobe and makeup stylists for some minor adjustments, Marlow's stomach twisted into knots. She had no clue what she was doing, but it was too late to turn back. Wiping her hands across her backside and down her thighs, she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos of the set, "KT, I don't know if I should have agreed to do this."

"Just be yourself, and everything will be fine. Forget about everyone and enjoy yourself." Turning Marlow around, KT gave her a gentle push onto the set.

"And action."

Standing still and looking to any familiar face for help, Marlow waited for direction on what to do.

"Cut! What are you waiting for?" Jinn's voice boomed across the set.

Turning her back to everyone, Marlow's chin quivered, her hands curled around her middle, and her eyes and cheeks burned from embarrassment as she felt the collective stares fixed upon her.

"Marlow," Ignazio said, his voice apologetic as he rushed to her side. "I'm so sorry." Lightly rubbing her shoulder and brushing the wetness away from her cheek with his thumb, he continued, "It's all my fault. Instead of telling you about what the scenes were, I should have let you read it for yourself."

"I don't know if this was a good idea. I don't know what I'm doing."

The actress playing Gianluca's love interest pulled Marlow off the set. Obstructed from observing Piero's actions, she could only hear him speaking.

"You will not yell at her," he snapped.

"She is holding us up," Jinn argued back.

"She is not holding us up. She is not an actress and is doing us a favour by filling in instead of us all sitting around waiting for a replacement. Marlow is a very good friend, and I will not allow you to yell at her," Piero repeated.

As both men stared each other down, dead silence quashed the heated conversation.

"Someone read through the script with her," Jinn ordered.

Joining the group, Piero gently took Marlow from the girl named Becca and held her close. Stroking the back of her head as he rocked side to side, he spoke softly, "Marlow, please don't cry. You'll ruin your makeup."

Marlow choked on her laughter. Lowering her eyes and stepping back, she hesitated before voicing her uncertainty.

"I don't know if this was a good idea," she repeated.

"Don't quit," the group said, encircling her with unwavering support and encouragement.

"Listen, Jinn has given you a half hour to familiarize yourself with the script," Becca said. "Laura and I," she said, pointing to herself and the second actress, "we will help you do this. Come with us."

"Please don't quit," Ignazio pleaded. "We need you."

Locking eyes with Piero, Marlow uttered a quiet, "OK." Mustering a half-smile when he placed a hand over his heart and mouth, "Thank you," she followed the two girls to a secluded corner of the set.


"OK," Becca said, turning Marlow around to face her. "You actually have an advantage over Laura and me. You are already friends with the guys of Il Volo, whereas we only just met them this morning, so my advice to you is to relax and be yourself."

"I'm tired of everyone telling me to relax and be myself. I've never done this before."

"That's OK. That's why we are here to help," Becca reassured.

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