Social Bash

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It's been a couple of weeks since we went down to Florida , Mattia and I haven't been spending a major amount of time together like we did last year mostly because he's super busy with school and when he's not busy with that he's busy with TikTok .

I started working at Luca's restaurant last week just to keep busy and make some extra cash before leaving for college . Mattia and I are supposed to be having a Netflix and chill night tonight to make up for barely spending time together so Luca is letting me leave early .

"Hey baby you ready to go ?" Mattia said kissing my cheek as he came into the restaurant, "yea I just need to clear one more table" . "Papa , is it okay if Hannah leaves now ?" He yelled . "Sì , sì . Cade can clear the last table gooo " Luca yelled back basically pushing me out of the restaurant causing me to laugh .

We got into the car , Mattia looked at me before finally starting the car up . "What " I giggled , "you just look extra cute today " he replied causing me to blush.

When we got home , we both headed downstairs and ordered postmates . "what do you wanna watch ?" I asked Mattia who was busy on his phone . "Baaabbbyyy" I whined trying to get his attention . "What sorry ?" He finally said putting his phone down , "what do you wanna watch " I repeated myself . "Oh I don't care anything " he brushed it off before going on his phone again.

I put on Harry Potter and leaned back eating my burger . "No fucking way " yelled Mattia jumping off the bed with his phone in his hand , "what up ?" I asked confused and slightly irritated "I just hit 3 million followers on TikTok and 1 million on Instagram " . I jumped up and walked over to congratulate him , I reached up to kiss him when he brushed it off and just gave me a peck on my cheek " congratulations babe" I said softly before going to chill on the bed again .

I genuinely was so happy for him and immensely proud aswell but I honestly missed hanging out with him so much and whenever we did he was always on his phone .

Mattias pov

I sat reposting stories and liking comments of everyone congratulating me . "Baby I genuinely cant believe this " I said turning to Hannah who was busy drinking her milkshake " hmm I'm proud of you " she said plainly. I just brushed it off . When my Instagram blew up again because Ale hit 3 million on TikTok aswell .

I FaceTimed him and we exchanged congratulations we were both super stoked.

My phone eventually died and I went to put it on charge " baby" I said while plugging it in , no reply . I turned around to see her fast asleep . I can't believe she wasn't more excited for me and that she just fell asleep during our date night . I walked over and covered her and myself in blankets before pulling her closer to cuddle but she just pulled away and rolled to face the other side . Woah okay that's new , no matter what was wrong she'd never pass up on cuddles .


Hannah's pov

When I woke up Mattia was laying on the other side of the bed . Damn this was probably the first time we've woken up not completely tangled around each other . I rolled over and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck . "Morning babe" he said lowly , his raspy morning voice was honestly the best sound ever . He rolled over to face me .

"What's your plans for today ?" He asked pushing some of my hair behind my ear . "We're supposed to go look at dorms or apartments for us at NYU remember ?" I asked and his face fell , " did you even apply yet ?" I asked shocked . He was literally graduating in less than 2 month and he still hasn't applied yet . "I'm so sorry i completely forgot , I have a meeting with this one company today to sort my merch out so that it could drop at social bash on Friday , you're coming right ?" He asked .
"I have to head up to NYU on Friday to get some of my papers sorted, I'm assuming you forgot about that too ?" I said slightly irritated now . "Well then you could come on the Saturday still , because everyone from TikTok is going to be there and it's going to be insane so many fans said they're coming " I just nodded along . "Yes it's whatever I'll see" I got up and headed upstairs without saying anything else . I couldn't believe he forgot about all of this .. now I'm probably going to have to ask Camila to take me . I need to get my drivers .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now