Bye bye , bitch

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"What do you want " I barely let out , "what I've been wanting since I got here , you " he said moving closer . I could feel that I had started crying I couldn't believe this was happening . He had me completely pinned against the wall , "finally" he said his lips inches from mine . I closed my eyes and just prayed for whatever this was to be over ..

But nothing happened I opened my eyes to see Mattia on top of Josh On the floor . His fist connecting with his jaw repeatedly. Josh was putting up a fair fight , he reached up , grabbed mattia's shirt and flipped them over and started hitting Mattia or well he tried , Mattia looked over at me and immediately lost it again throwing josh off him . I stood frozen watching all of until I heard a crack and josh moan in pain grabbing his jaw . Mattia yelled out too looking at his hand .

I snapped back to my senses "Mattia stop " I yelled , he ignored me and started hitting josh with his other hand . The dorm room flew open revealing max who looked at me and then at the boys I shot him a pleading look , "please stop them " I said . Max pulled Mattia off josh and threw him back , Mattia looked up and almost hit max but I stepped in front of him before he could , "Hannah move " he said lowly . "No we need to go before he calls the cops " I said . Mattia looked at josh ,"this isn't over "He said , "I think it is " josh said .

I push Mattia towards the elevator , I turned around to see josh talking to max he smirked at me but I could see Mattia had either broken his jaw or fucked it up pretty bad .

We got back into the car and everyone
Looked at us confused , "what happened " asked Kai , "ale please just drive " I said .

After arriving Mattia immediately went into the bathroom while I stood outside explaining what happened to everyone else , "do you want us to rather leave ?" Asked Alejandro, "no I think he needs you guys more than ever right now " I said .

I walked into the bathroom to see Mattia sitting on the counter trying to clean the cuts on his knuckles , "here let me help " I said reached for the towel to help him . "Are you okay " I asked , he just nodded . He said nothing , just flinching in pain as I cleaned the wounds. When I looked at his other hand I realized that he hurt it worse , "is this the hand you broke 2 years ago " I asked and he nodded again . "Can you move them " I asked he shook his head "barely " he let out in a whisper . The hand was swollen , "I'll go get ice " I said , as I turned to walk away he grabbed my wrist with his good hand .

I turned to face him , "I'm so fucking sorry I wasn't there to stop him sooner , I'm sorry it took me so long to realize you were gone for a long time , I'm sorry I let you walk alone in the first place after what happened the last time " he said so softly I could barely hear him . He was crying at this point , I pulled his head down so I could hug him , "it's not your fault and at least you came up when you did because it could've been a lot worse " I said and he scrunched his eyes up in pain at the thought.

He hopped off the counter to come with me to get the ice , I reached into the freezer and took a ice pack when there was a knock on the door . We all looked at each other and then Mattia walked over to open the door , I stood behind him looking out .

"Are you Mattia Polibio " the officer asked , "yes " Mattia replied , "I'm gonna need you to come to the station with us , you're a suspect in an assault case " he said , Mattia nodded and handed me the ice pack , "no I'm coming with " I said the officer looked at me "you can't come with " he said , "but I saw what happened " I said , he nodded and motioned for me to follow .

I ran and grabbed a hoodie and my phone , "I'll call and let you know what's happening " I said to Vic and she nodded . We drove down to the station when we walked in we saw josh sitting with another officer but he seemed surprised to see me .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now