He'll always be mine .

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"Han can you just chill and hear me out " Mattia yelled walking after me .

"Why Mattia , just leave me alone " I said walking out the building .

"How are you going to get back to your dorm ? Walk ?" He yelled .

I stopped in my tracks . I didn't think that far . I turned around and looked at him .

"I'll drop you off but only if you agree to hear me out about what happened " he said . I nodded slowly .


We pulled up at the dorm , "okay so are you ready to listen to me now " he asked . I've been dead quiet since we left.

"Yes " I said looking at him .

He turned to face me , taking my hands him his. "I swear to god , I wouldn't do anything to fuck this up . I didn't reply to her once" he said , "so this isn't the first time she's messaged you ?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

He ran his fingers through his hair " no Hannah it wasn't , but can you just stop looking at the negatives here " he said , "how would you have felt if you saw that message on my phone from josh " I asked and he went quiet and looked down at his lap .

"Exactly , thank you for the ride " I said getting out . "I love you , I really wouldn't have fucked this up . I don't want anyone else but you baby " he said . I turned to close the door , "I just need some space to think right now " I said and closed the door.

I walked up to my dorm , when I got inside Lily was on the bed making out with max , "holy shit I'm so sorry " I said covering my eyes . "Han I didn't know you'd be coming back " Lily said clearly just as shocked as me .

"Uhm yea sorry Mattia and I had a bit of a fight " I said peaking out from behind my hands to see them sitting up right . I moved my hand and walked over to my bed . "I'm really sorry for interrupting " I said . "It's cool , are you okay ?" Asked Maximo , "Yea I think I'm just gonna pass out " I said and kicked my shoes off. "I'm gonna head out , I'll see you tomorrow " max said leaning down to kiss Lily again . After he left I said , "I really didn't mean for him to leave " , "stop apologizing it's okay " she said .

I still had mattias Astroworld t-shirt on and it smelt so much like him . I got into bed , the though of Alessya and Mattia together ran through my mind on repeat , the entire night resulting in me getting almost no sleep . I heard Lily head out to her classes .

I turned over and checked my phone , 9:45 I was late already no point in going . I messaged Mariano , to ask if he could drop off the work again . He texted back to say sure .


It's been a couple days now , I've been avoiding lectures , well I've been avoiding Mattia . We've been texting on and off , he's just been checking in to see if I'm okay and I've been giving him one word responses .

*knock on the door*

I opened the door to reveal Mariano , "hey " I said , "hey " he replied . " Uhm come in " I said .

He's been bringing me the work after I told him I'm not feeling well .

"So are you going to tell me what's actually going on " he asked looking around the room before laying down on my bed. We've actually gotten pretty civil this year .

I looked down at my hands , "Uhm Mattia and I had a fight " I said , "yea I figured because you've been avoiding lectures and he keeps coming in looking like shit avoiding everyone " Mariano said . I looked up at him a bit shocked .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now