Not just another one night stand

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I stirred awake , man I have such a shitty headache . What happened last night . Where am I . Oh shit why am I in mattias room , more specifically why am I in his bed . I looked over at him , then I looked down at myself . Why am I naked . Did we . Oh shit .

I sat up covering my chest trying to figure out what I was going to do . I start to slowly get out of bed . I picked up all my clothes which were all over the room before slowly walking to the bathroom .

I could hear him stirring awake and I froze . He groaned probably in pain . He sat up and his eyes focused on my standing in front of his bed completely naked with only my clothes in my arms covering me . He's eyes went wide .

He lifted up the covers looked down and then closed them . "Did we ?" , he asked "Uhm I woke up naked too so yea I think so " I said awkwardly . "So you don't remember?" He asked , "nope , what's the last thing you do remember " , "Uhm us playing beer pong " he said rubbing his head .

"Where you trying to sneak out " he asked looking slightly hurt , "uhh yea , look we were drunk and we both know it wouldn't have happened if we were sober . This was lowkey a mistake " I said . He sat there looking at me and then nodded , "okay if that's how you feel "he said , "also can we pretend this didn't happen or at least not tell anyone else " I ask shifting again to make sure I'm fully covered . "You do know I've seen it all so there's no point in trying to cover up " he said a smirk creeping onto his face . "Not now Mattia " I snapped . "Sorry , yea we can technically only we know about this so it'll stay in this room" . "Okay I'm gonna go shower " I say and start walking to the room , "you need some company " he asked . "No but I am borrowing , sweats and a hoodie " I said and slammed the door.

Mattias POV

I got up and threw on a hoodie and some shorts and headed upstairs . I can't believe she thought this was a mistake . The place was a complete mess ,Kairi and Aria were passed out on the couch and I could hear Ale and Vic in the kitchen . "Morning " I said walking in and heading straight to make some coffee . "Where's Hannah " Vic asked confused , "downstairs " I shrugged trying to play it off . She rushed out of the kitchen leaving Alejandro and I alone . "Bro are we gonna talk about last night " he asked me , I looked over at him in confusion "what about last night " I asked . He moved in closer , "how wasted were you " he asked . "Honestly I remember playing beer pong and that's it " I answered looking down at my cup . "Bro you were making out with Hannah all over the kitchen and literally everyone saw them you proceed to yell at Cynthia which caused a scene and you basically told her you and hannah were going to have sex " , I look at Ale with wide eyes and in disbelief. "You can never repeat that agin do you hear me " I said looking at him , "I told Hannah I remember nothing which I do , mostly cause she clearly regrets it so you don't know anything " I added . He nodded at me .

"I need to go call Cynthia and at least try and apologize " I said , "are you guys still together after what we spoke about " he asked me with a raised eyebrow ." Yea , I haven't ended things and after all this I don't think I'm going to " I said and got up walking out to the backyard to call her .

Hannah's pov

I locked the door and immediately got into the shower . I can't believe I got so drunk that I slept with him . I'm so stupid . I mean under normal circumstances I would've been fine with it but the fact that we're supposed to be on a break and he's with Cynthia just makes this all worse . Damn I wonder what happened last night and how we ended up here.

I got out of the shower and dried off , I walked out of the bathroom and Vic was sitting on the bed look at me with worried eyes . " are you okay " she asked and I nodded looking through mattias clothes for something to wear . "Are you guys back together " she asked " no why would you think that " I asked in return . "Oh I don't know maybe since you slept down here instead of your room , or maybe because you're looking for something of his to wear when all your clothes are upstairs " , I stopped dead in my tracks realizing she was right , I could've just gone upstairs and showered there and then gotten dressed . I turned to face her . She folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now