Maybe camping isnt too bad after all

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"Mattia we need to go " I yelled down the stairs. "I'm coming , I'm just packing the last of my things " he yelled backs . "Maybe if you didn't decide to sleep until 12 you would've had time to pack" I mumbled to myself walking to the living room .

Mattia and I have been arguing and snapping at each other on another level . It's beyond annoying and I think everyone is starting to realize that too .


"Mattia just pick a damn song already" I said after he changed the song for the 100th time . He shut the radio off and we drove in silence for the rest of the way to the cabin . Everyone else was there already we were the only ones running late .

When we pulled up I immediately got out of the car and stormed inside to find Vic and Aria . "I can't with that boy I'm going to strangle him today still " I yelled as I walked into the kitchen where they were . "Honey we're still here for almost 2 weeks I think you should wait a bit " Aria joke and I just rolled my eyes . Mattia came in a bit after me and and threw the car keys at me . "For when you decide to want to bring your stuff in " he said , "I thought you were gonna bring it in like always " I said confused . "What do I look like ? Your boyfriend ? Get it yourself " he said walking outside to where Alejandro and Kairi were . "Do you see" I said storming out of the kitchen to get my things while I heard Vic and Aria giggling .

A couple hours later we were all chilling in the living room Vic and Alejandro cuddled up on the one couch , Kairi and Aria on the other leaving myself and Mattia on the remaining one. This whole scenario got pretty awkward pretty quickly , when suddenly Mattia started shifting uncomfortably. "Stop moving you're making a noise " I whisper yelled at him , "the only think making a noise is you " he replied . "I'm not a thing , and I wouldn't be making a noise if you could stop shifting every two second " I said . "That's enough " yelled Alejandro catching everyone off guard , "both of you need to sort out your shit and stop arguing over petty shit it's getting annoying " he said . I looked at Mattia and then back at Ale before getting up and walking to the bedroom . "I mean it Mattia sort that shit out " is all I heard as I walked out .

I sat on the edge of the bed scrolling through my phone , when someone knocked on the door , "hmm" I said . The door opened it was Mattia  "Hannah can we talk " He said . I put my phone down next to me and looked up at him waiting for him to say something. 

He walked over and sat down on the bed leaving significant space between us . We sat in silence for a long time before I decided to say something . " do you remember the first time we came up here " I said , a smirk pulled across his face as he looked at the floor and then up at me . "I could never forget , especially how embarrassed you were when we went back down and found out everyone heard you " he added . We both burst out laughing. "What's going on Mattia " I asked as the laughter died down . "Honestly I have no idea" he said falling backward on the bed . "C'mon you have to know because ever since thanksgiving you've been trying to pick fights with me " I said turning to look at him . He ran his fingers through his hair . "This space is killing me . That's what's going on " he finally admitted . "I miss you , I miss how we were , I miss just being able to kiss you whenever I want I miss just knowing you were mine . But I also can't force us to go back to how we were because we'll never be the same after everything that happened " he said . "We'll either be better or worse " I added , he nodded in agreement . " I guess picking fights is just me trying to get attention from you " he said covering his face with his hands . I reached up and moved his hands " you've had my attention since you walked out to help me with my bags the first day I came to jersey " I said .
He looked at me searching my eyes for something but I had no idea what it was . "Cap it was from when I walked out of the Bathroom in just a towel " he said and and we burst out laughing again. "Oh so you did know what you were doing " I said hitting his arm playfully, he sat up so that he was leaning on his elbows . "Of course I did , I'm a teenage boy and this hot girl just moved into my room of course I was gonna pull a stunt like that " he said winking at me and I started laughing again. 

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now