It's okay you can be happy

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Mattia started choking on his pasta and all our heads turned to face him .

"Sorry " he mumbled and then continued eating .

"Okay love , when is your flight ?" Asked Camila , "in 2 days" I responded . Mattia got up and walked out of the living room . Oh no here we go . I got up and followed him into the kitchen .

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving ?" He snapped as I walked in , " I don't owe you an explanation for anything I do right now especially not for going home . " I said placing my bowl on the table . " you could've at least mentioned it I thought we were civil " He said sounding slightly hurt . " what does it matter what were you expecting ? A repeat of last year " I laughed slightly at the thought but he's face fell . "When are you coming back ? Are you coming back " he asked making eye contact , I looked down at the table " I'll be back after New Years "  . He shook his head , scoffed and proceeded to walk out of the kitchen .


"Hannah dear " Camila called me , "I know you're supposed to leave tomorrow but all flights just got grounded due to a blizzard approaching " she said . My eyes went wide . Shit . "Okay thanks for letting me know , I'll call my mom " I said and walked upstairs .

Me :

Yea all of them and no one can tell me until when they're cancelled


It's okay dear we can always make another plan , we will just have to wait until they clear the planes to travel again .

I started crying

Me :

I don't know how I'm going to deal with being here with him mom . I can't look at him without wanting to cry , he's like a constant reminder of what I lost but also the hurt is all still there I'm so confused

She consoled me for a few minutes before I ended the call .

Mattias POV

"Yea dude all the flights got cancelled " Kairi said over the mic while we played fifa , "Woah I'll be back in a bit I'm going to check on her " I said and went upstairs to her room as I got closer I could hear her talking to someone .

" I can't look at him without wanting to cry , he's like a constant reminder of what I lost" is all I heard in between her sobbing , I stopped dead in my tracks, I can't believer thats how she actually feels , I don't know whether she's just been lying or if she's just confused . I stood outside her door and waiting for her to hang up . Then I proceeded to walk in .

"Hey " I said causing her to look up from her lap jump , "how long have you been there " she said , "I just got here " I lied . "Oh" she said softly . "I heard about the flights , are you okay " I asked , "yea , my mom said we should just wait it out and then see " she said . I could see she was trying to not look at me and I guess that answered my question . "I'll be around if you need anything " I said softly before walking out .

Hannah's POV

He walked out of my room and all the tears I was holding in cane flooding out . I missed him so much but I couldn't tell him . This space would be good , I tried to convince myself . I called Aria and Vic to make some plans before the blizzard hit . I needed my best friends right now .

I got up and went to shower and put some make up on , we decided on dinner at Luca's restaurant.

I put this on :

I headed down to Mattia's room , "hey could I borrow your car to go to dinner at your dads restaurant " he looked at me confused , "I'm meeting aria and Vic there " I added

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I headed down to Mattia's room , "hey could I borrow your car to go to dinner at your dads restaurant " he looked at me confused , "I'm meeting aria and Vic there " I added . "Oh yea sure , the keys are upstairs " he said and I nodded , "thanks Mattia " I smiled before walking out .


"Hey Hannah , is something wrong " Luca asked as I walked in the door "Hi Luca , no I'm meeting Victoria and Aria here for dinner " I giggled and so did he , "oh sure , here let me show you to a booth , dinner is on the house don't worry about it " he said as we reached the booth . "Thank you so much Luca I really appreciate it " I said kissing him on the cheek before sitting down , a couple minutes later they walked in and came over to join me . 

I stood up and we had a group hug for a solid 5 minutes before eventually sitting down , "I almost thought Mattia was here because of the car before I remembered you can drive " Vic joked , I faked a laugh and just looked down " im sorry , how are you doing since everything happened " she asked looking at me sympathetically. I explained how I'd been feeling . "That's a completely normal feeling to have after something toxic has happened " she reassured me . I knew she'd help me feel better . Aria hasn't said a word the entire time , "what's up girl " I asked nudging her , she looked up at Vic and I and her eyes started pooling with tears , " oh no baby , don't cry it's okay , what's wrong " Vic said leaning over and hugging her . " Uhm , Kairi and I broke up , I found out he's been seeing Lily Chee " she said and my heart sank . I completely forgot about the night at GCS ashen Kairi had organized it all to see Lily . "Listen Aria I need to tell you something "  I said , I explained everything to her and she sat there quietly , "I had no idea it was anything like that I thought it was just a friends thing and with everything that was happening with Mattia I completely spaced " I sighed her eyes squinted , "yea no it's fine , I completely understand that your problems were more important than telling me something like that and it's not like I'm your best friend or anything " she said sarcastically. "Aria I really am sorry " I said softly , Aria got up from her seat , " I'll call you guys later or tomorrow but I don't have the energy for this right now " she said and then walked away . I looked at Vic and she just shrugged . "Listen I wanted to tell you , Ale told me Mattia and Cynthia were at Troy's house last week together , but that they had a massive fight in front of everyone and apparently ended things " she said . I sighed a sigh of relief. "It's okay you can be happy " she giggled and I literally burst into laughter  . " you won't believe how happy I actually am , because like we're civil but I also didn't know where they stood together so I didn't want to get too close to him Incase " I said  and she nodded .

We both got up and headed out , we said thank you to Luca again and then headed home , " listen I was going to invite you and Aria over to stay over while the blizzard was happening because I heard Mattia talking to Ale and Kairi but now idk , but if you still wanna come , I just don't want her to think I didn't invite her " I said , "I'll come , maybe just invite her and then let her decide " Vic said as she hugged me goodbye .

I got into Mattia's car , his scent filled my lungs . I put on one of his old playlists and drove home . I missed just chilling with him and just driving around with him . Fuck I missed him and I had no idea what to do about it .

Authors note
Hey guys
I hope you are all staying safe and staying home if you're social distancing.

I just wanted to say thank you again for all the votes , comments and just allow the love .

I really am trying to update more regularly as SA just went into a lockdown for 21 days and today was the first day . This stuff is mad scary but I genuinely hope you all are staying safe .

Love y'all so much
-Han ❤️

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