Guess who's back ... again

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I headed upstairs to Camila and Luca's room and knocked on the door before going in , "hi mi amòr , is everything okay " Luca asked , I took a deep breath , "uhm yes , I just wanted to know if you or Camila could possible drive me up to NYU tomorrow morning to get to my dorm and then go get a car ?" I asked . They both looked worriedly at each other ,"do you mind me asking why Mattia isn't taking you ?" Camila asked . It was taking me everything not to cry right now , "he and I- uhm we had a bit of a fight and he doesn't want to so ... " i trailed off and I felt a tear fall . Camila ran over and hugged me ," it's okay mija, you guys have been fighting a lot lately do you want me to speak to him ?" She asked softly as I sobbed into her chest , "no Camila I think that will just upset him more it's okay " I said wiping my face , "well it's okay Luca and I will drop you tomorrow morning how does 7 sound ?" She asked looking at Luca who nodded . I agreed and then said goodnight before leaving . It was only around 8 but I was so emotionally drained that I was ready to go sleep and that's exactly what I did .

Mattia's pov

Shit , shit , shit . Why did I say that . What if she actually leaves . She'd never leave me though ... right .

I walked upstairs to see if she was still awake to apologize , "mama where's Hannah " I asked , she turned around and shot me a look .. oh no . "Mattia Polibio , you need to stop treating that beautiful girl like this one day she isn't going to put up with it anymore and leave you . Do you want that ?" She whisper yelled at me . Tears pooled at my eyes at the thought of her leaving me but I blinked them away , "she'd never leave me " I said crossing my arms , "trust me girls like her don't put up with boys who act like you are right now . Stop acting like the world owes you something because it doesn't " she fired back before walking away.

I was honestly a bit taken aback by what she said , have I been acting like that ? I stood in the kitchen a while thinking about it .

I headed up to my parents room and walked in , "mama , papa I know Hannah probably asked you to take her tomorrow but don't worry I'll fix things and take her , also I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately " I said and then left the room .

Hannah's pov

I could hear Camila and Mattia arguing as I finished packing and went to bed . I really hope she wasn't speaking to him about it .


"Psst" . "Baaabbbyyy c'mon "I heard and I rolled over . "Han " I heard again and stirred awake . Mattia was sitting on my bed trying to wake me up . "What do you want , what time is it ?" I asked rubbing my eyes looking for my phone . "It's about 5 , c'mon bring your bags I've got something to show you before I drive you to campus " he said and got up . I jumped in the shower quickly , brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a high pony tail . When I got out all my bags were gone and I assumed he'd taken them downstairs .

I met him at his car and got in while he heated the car up . The sun wasn't even up yet where could we honestly be going this early . He drove until we stopped at some bridge which was insanely lit , I looked over at him as he smiled at me as he motioned for me to get out .

We sat on the hood trunk of his car facing the bridge , "this is the Brooklyn bridge " he said . It was beautiful the lights and even the sunrise which had just started cracking causing the entire sky to go a purple-is kinda shade . "I'm sorry " he said leaning over to me , "for what " I asked pretending not to know as I looked straight ahead . He turned my face to look at him " for acting like an asshole , like the world owed me something like you owed me something . I'm sorry for taking you and what you did for me for granted I do appreciate everything " he said . I smiled a little and then turned to watch the sunrise again and layed my head on his shoulder. " so am I forgiven " he asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder . " yes " I said and he kissed the top of my head .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now