You two know each other ?

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Mattia looked down at me instantly realizing who it was .He slung his arm around my shoulder almost possessively.

"Oh you two know each other " said devin looking between us a bit confused . "Uhm yea he's a friend from back home " I said shooting him a look to not bring up what happened . The last thing I needed was for Devin to be upset with me again . He nodded along in agreement .

"Look we need to go I'll see you in class " I said and immediately pulled Mattia with me waving bye .

When we got into the car Mattia sat looking at me . "I had no idea it was him or that he was even in this country " I said putting my hands up . "This is a major coincidence don't you think " he snapped . "Mattia I don't even have his number anymore I don't know why he's here or when he got here " I defended. He nodded and started the car . "I don't want you around him " he said lowly .

We got to my dorm , "do you wanna stay the night ?" I asked . "I have some work to catch up on and I just need some space you can come spend a couple days by me from tomorrow ? " he asked and I nodded leaning over to kiss him . "I love you and I'll pick you up tomorrow for class " he said , "I love you " I said and nodded.

I got into bed , why was Josh here , he never had any intention of moving out of South Africa at all or at least he never mentioned it . It's just strange .


There was a knock on the door , "Hannah Mattia is here " yelled Lily while I was in the bathroom . I came out , I overslept so I was running a bit late , "can you grab my bag please" I asked Mattia gesturing to the bag I pack to stay by him . "I'll see you in a couple days Lily " I said before hugging her bye and leaving .

"I've never seen you late before " joked Mattia as we reached the car . "I couldn't fall asleep last night so I overslept " I said slightly irritated . I hate being late.


We sat down in the lecture hall next to Devin , "hey " I greeted as we sat down and leaned over to hug her . "Listen I wanted to invite you and Mattia to this party they're having at Josh's frat house " she said . I looked over at Mattia and he contemplated it before nodding , "sure we'll be there just text me the details " I said and a huge smile across her face . Mattia leaned into the back of my ear " I only agreed so I can make sure he knows you're mine " he whispered and I accidentally let out a small giggle .


We headed back to the apartment. "I'm gonna play GTA with the boys for a bit " he said before kissing me . I missed spending time with him so much .

I spent about 40 mins making tiktoks before starting my work . I finished about an hour later , Mattia was still on the game .

I walked over and tapped him he moved the one headphone's ear thingie , "hmm" he said . "Want me to order some food ?" I asked and he nodded putting the headphones back on . I rolled my eyes and when to chill on the bed to order food .

I ordered pizza and sat down on the bed to eat it . I walked over to Mattia and hit his shoulder "hey the foods here " he just nodded and motioned for me to wait . Okay I was getting annoyed now .

I decided to just go shower to calm down , I honestly just wanted attention right now my heads in a million places and all he cares about is fifa . I turned the shower on , for once I would've agreed with him it was hot but I needed it to just relax all my muscles . I showered for a while just thinking about everything. I got out and dried off before heading back into the room .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now