We're done

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It's been about a week since everything at grand central station happened , nothing much has happened otherwise , I've been ignoring a Mattia kinda, well not intentionally college has just been crazy and it's been giving me an excuse to not reply to him , I've been hanging with Max ,the boys and Lily quite a bit . Mar , true to his promise , hasn't bothered me again he just sits a makes small talk with Devin and myself in lectures . Speaking of Devin we're going out to the mall tonight , I'm supposed to meet her there. Lily has been sitting for almost an hour trying to explain to me how the subway works and honestly I'm still confused . "I'll just take a cab it's okay " I sighed very frustrated, she laughed "okay suit yourself , I'll show you next time "

I changed Into a pretty simple outfit :
Just an oversized t-shirt and some biker shorts with my AF1's


About a half an hour later I ended up the mall Devin spoke about , I'm supposed to be meeting her in the food court .

"Hannah over here " she yelled waving at me , I walked over and hugged her . "How are you ?" She asked , "better now that I'm not walking around lost " I joked .

We walked around the mall a bit browsing and picking up a few things from Pacsun , Devin also got a new pair of Jordan's .

We sat down at Taco Bell after getting something to eat , "so I know this is probably so random but do you know Maximo ?" She asked as I bit into my taco , I nodded until I finished chewing , "yea I met him through my roommate Lily Chee , we're friends I guess " I replied shrugging a bit . She smiled and nodded , "oh cause he mentioned you and I just couldn't figure out how you'd know him " she said . Something was a bit weird about how she was asking I hope she didn't think anything was going on . "I can't wait for this upcoming holidays I'll finally get to hang out with my boyfriend for a bit " I sighed overly dramatic just to make it clearly I didn't want her man. She laughed "I guess that's a benefit of studying at the same place as mine " she said . I could feel the tension was lifted .

Mattia's POV

"Where is she Lily " I asked as I sat down in her room , "I just told you she's out with Devin at the mall " she rolled her eyes continuing with some TikTok she was making . "Do you know when she'll be back?" I asked , "no Mattia I'm not her boyfriend I don't keep tabs on her " she spat . "Why don't you just message her and ask her " she asked picking her phone up and looking at me . I looked out the window and rubbed the back of my neck " she's not replying to my messages " I finally said . Lily nodded as if trying to comprehend everything. "Well you can chill here till she gets back or whatever since you need to speak to her so badly " she shrugged and proceeded to put AirPods in and turn on her laptop to watch Netflix .

Hannah's POV

"This was great we should do it again soon " Devin said and I nodded as I walked her over to where Max was parked waiting for her . "Hey Hannah " , "Hey Max " I said waving as Devin walked around and got into the passenger side . She leaned over and kissed him on his check . "How are you getting home ?" Max asked , "I'm gonna catch a cab I just wanted to walk Devin to the car " I said , "don't be stupid , we're literally going to the same place I'll give you a lift " . I honestly didn't wanna go look for a cab but I didn't wanna intrude either . "I wasn't asking get in the car Han " Max joked and I got into the back .

It's just a car ride and she knows you have a boyfriend so it's no big deal .

We stopped outside the dorms , Devin surprisingly stayed on the same floor as me just down the hall , "thanks again for the ride " I said and started walking away , "hey I'll walk you down , society is fucked up anything could happen " Max said before proceeding to walk me to my room .
"Thanks " I smiled and so did he .

"Don't worry about it I'll just come back tomorrow or another time " I hear a voice as my room door opened . It was Mattia .

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked between Max and myself . " oh yea out with Devin hey " he said , "what are you talking about ?" , "Lily said you were out with Devin well clearly you weren't." He said . "I've been waiting here for you for hours and this is what you've been out doing ? Going on dates with other guys ?" , "Mattia that's not what's going on -" "stop lying I can clearly see what's going on here " he interrupted me , "you were clearly just waiting for your chance to make your move weren't you " he spat at Max . " Mattia stop it , I was out with Devin " I yelled . "Yea whatever " he said and walked away .

Lily and Max both stood watching all of this in disbelief. I ran after Mattia . I know I shouldn't run after boys but yea .

"Mattia just let me explain " I yelled as we got outside . "Please fucking explain how you're cheating on me to me so I can understand " , "I'm not cheating on you Max is dating Devin he came to pick us up at the mall he was just walking me to my dorm " I said panting . "Oh please if you're gonna lie at least try to make it believable " he said folding his arms .

"Lie? Me ? Did you really just accuse me of lying ?" I yelled . He said nothing . "You're accusing me of lying after you just lied to my face about not inviting me to grand central station , after you've been treating me like shit for the past 2 months . Every since I've gotten here it's like I don't matter and then everytime you think I'm gonna leave then you want to apologize and act cute for a couple days but then a few days later youre back to acting like a dick " I yelled , he's eye had gone wide realization hitting him about what just happened .

"Baby I'm sorry " he said softly, "fuck your sorry honestly I'm done , I don't deserve this" . "Han please I really am sorry I'll fix this I'll fix me " he said grabbing my arms . I pulled away " yea you need to fix yourself but I'm not going to sit around and get treated like shit while you do " I said walking backwards towards the doors .

"We're done Mattia "

Authors note

Hey guys .
How are you ?
Can we keep the death threats to a minimum okay cool ? Cool .

Lol just kidding , go off I wanna see the comments.

Thank you for 5K reads already on this book THATS INSANE
I love you guys so much

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