"It was me "

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"Han he wants to talk to you " Ale said . I've been sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water for the past hour . "He can talk all he wants doesn't mean I'm going to listen " I said rolling my eyes . Ale just nodded and went back inside .

A couple minutes later Mattia came and sat down next to me . "I was going to end it with her today " he said softly . "Sure you were " I replied . "I swear on my mom I was" he said and I looked up at him . "Why only today " I asked . "Incase you didn't notice I've been busy with you for the last 2 weeks and I've barely been on my phone , she's also been ignoring my messages " he said . "So why not just leave it at her ignoring you " i asked , "because I needed to end it properly so that i could focus on you without worrying about her " he said . I could see he was starting to get irritated. "You can check the rest of the messages and see when last I spoke to her ." He said . "I believe you " I said looking at the pool . "Mattia I'm going to be honest with you , after everything that's happened I have some pretty bad trust issues so it's not easy for me to just trust you again " I said . "Then let's start fresh and put everything behind us I promise nothing else is going to get between us again" he said looking at me . "Mattia I swear if you give me one more reason not to trust you I'm done for good " I said and I could hear him flinch under his breath . "I promise " he said again . I looked up at him and put my arm on his shoulder , a small smile spread across my face before I pushed him into the water . He came up after a few second "you deserved that for not tell me the truth from the beginning " I said laughing , "okay that's fair " he said and grabbed my thighs pulling me in too .


It was the day before playlist , we were all packed Aria and Vic decided to come with after all so we were all meeting up at the airport and flying to Florida together.

"You ready?" Asked Mattia as he came into my room , "Yea just give me a sec" I grabbed my charger and put it in my backpack before walking towards the door . He stood in my way "what's up ?" I asked confused . He smirked a bit " nah nothing you just look cute " he said . I blushed a bit and hit him lightly against the chest .


We all took our seats on the plane , Mattia rested his hand on my thigh , he hated flying . I looked down at his hand , he had his ring on . The one I got him for our anniversary in February last year , he took it off after we broke up and I was so surprised he had it on again . I turned to look out the window before he saw me looking .

We landed safely and drove to the hotel Where playlist was being held . Mattia , Kairi , Alejandro and I went to get our creators pass and schedule while Aria and Vic went to check into their room . "Okay so Group B will be the following people , Mattia Polibio , Hannah Wells , Kairi Cosentino , Alejandro Rosario, Lily Chee and Cynthia Parker " the one organizer announced . I looked up at Mattia who looked just as pissed off and I was " Cynthia is one problem but Lily is too , Aria is going to lose her shit " I whispered to Mattia . Who just nodded . "Group B your First Q&A session is at 2 pm today , you all will be staying on the 6th floor , girls will be in one room boys in the other " they announced . My heart sank , I could feel my blood boiling and Mattia must've noticed it aswell because he started drawing circles on my back to calm me down . Lily came running over to greet and I returned the hug " I'll see you upstairs " she said before running off . "You can stay with us or with Vic them don't stress " said Alejandro and I nodded .

We walked up to the boys room and dropped our bags off , "I'm going to Aria and Vic's room to let them know what's going on " I said , "I'll go with I need to talk to Aria about Lily too " said Kairi. We both walk to the elevators , they opened revealing Cynthia and one of her friends , " awh my room is going to stink like sloppy seconds " Cynthia said and she walked past me . "If anyone's sloppy seconds it's you " I turned around and snapped . She laughed " whatever you say hun" , "you don't have to worry about me being in the same room as you , I'll be sleeping in Mattia's room since I know it's probably going to be so uncomfortable for you knowing he left you to come back to me " I said faking a sympathetic smile . I heard Kairi giggle . She glared at me ," trust me he's going to regret the fact that he did that " she smirked before walking away .

A Foreign Exchange 2 - Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now