C H A P T E R 1 : I n t r o

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You (Y/N)

Being in the studio till 4 in the morning is the best. Recording songs that people love and are successful is such an amazing feeling for me and the band. We've had 10 songs that's been on the top 200 billboards charts and 2 that has reached number one. I write songs for the band and sing as their backup vocalist as well played as other touches in the songs like sound effects and stuff.

"What do you think?" I say showing the lead singer the song I wrote.

"I love it!" Liam says with excitement taking my journal from my hands "oh my god you should make a good beat from this"

Liam sits on his chair in the studio and starts playing around with the keyboard. I listen and take notes in my head while cringe to the sound he's making.

"Here let me try" I say sitting next to him to play with the keyboard "try e minor"

He plays e minor and smiles.

I then take my notebook from his hands and start singing to what I wrote.

"Take me to the stars,

where we will land from far,

because all this trouble we've have caused,

will soon all be resolved"

"This is why I told you to join the band, you are so talented" Joey says walking into the studio "you can sing you can write you can play the instruments, girl what else can you do!"

I smile "shut up" I say throwing an empty can of beer at him.

Joey is the pianist in the band and is the kind one that treats everyone with respect. There's also Paula who is the guitarist and British in the band. Then there's Maddy who is the drummer. Right now Paula and Maddy are in the living room passed out after hitting the club.

"Isn't it crazy that we start tour next month" Joey says.

"Yeah I guess" I say.

"No this is a big deal because we get to travel around the world" Joey says

"Is that the only reason?" I say giggling.

"And we'll make lots of money and fame-" Joey is cut by Liam.

"Okay Joey we get it" Liam says.

"So whose up for some beer to wake us up because I'm feeling sleepy as fuck" Joey says taking 3 beers out of the small refrigerator next to him. He calls it his secret stash.

"I'll kill for a beer right now" I say extending my arm for me to catch.

We continue working on the song as I constantly take sips on the beer to the point that I realize that I'm now drunk.

By this point we've finished the song but don't exactly remember what we did with it, Liam, Joey, Paula and Maddy joined me. We are all laying on the couch that we've put together to make it look like a bed and we're all laying on top of each other looking up at the window on our ceiling.

We were all drunk and decided to have a conversation.

"The stars sure do look beautiful they look like a bunch of bird shit dots" Paula says not taking her eyes off the stars.

"I.... I... don't remember what bird shit looks like" Joey says.

"What is that..." Maddy say.

"You know what we should do"Liam says getting up "we should go outside and just howl it's a full moon tonight"

"No way that's crazy" I say getting up "but let's do it"

We all get up and go outside and smell the fresh air in Los Angeles hitting us with it's breeze. At this point we're in the streets of LA and we start howling like the wolves do with a full moon.

"I don't want this feeling to never end" I say hugging Paula and Maddy "I love you guys"

I start getting emotional then I start crying.

"Oh don't cry (Y/N)" Paula says lifting my chin up "we will never leave you"

"Yeah and I hope you never leave us or else we'll follow you and find you till the ends of the earth" Maddy says.

We all laugh at the comment Maddy said.

At that moment I knew that this is what I wanted and I wanted nothing to change. Nothing will ever change my mind about the greatest decision I've made.

"I regret nothing tonight" I yell.


"Ughh I regret everything I did last night" I say throwing up on the toilet.

"I mean we were pretty crazy last night" Paula says holding my hair back.

"This remind me of the feelings I felt back in London" I say.

"I mean I just don't understand why yew hate London so much" Paula says.

"Long story short I've experienced some horrible shit in that city that I can't explain. London is the last place I'll go on this earth" I say laying my head on the toilet.

"Like... what horrible shit" Paula says.

"Like I was coming back from an interview for a band which I can't remember the name of and I was walking down the street to my hotel with my earbuds in listening to a song I wrote then I felt heavy pain in my head and fell face to the floor I saw 2 figures but I can't remember how they looked like since I lost that memory. After that I woke up in a hospital bed and the doctor told me I was loosing so much blood in my head that I was left with a scar due to surgery they did to me" I show Paula my scar that I hide with a certain hairstyle I do.

"Ohh is that why you always have yewr hair in pigtails? to hide your scar" Paula says.

"Yeah" I say.

"Then what" Paula says.

"Well let's just say I don't go to London anymore because I'm afraid if they recognize me again and do it again to me, since not only did they knock me out but they also stole everything in my hotel room like my instruments, my songs, and my laptop where I had all my songs saved and was ready to start my career" I say "the person or persons never got caught or found so it's pretty fucked up"

Liam walks into the bathroom in the middle of my conversation with Paula.

"Oh my god it smells like someone threw up in here" Liam says.

"Well that's probably because someone did" I say looking up at him.

"Oh well breakfast just came and it's on the table" Liam says closing the door behind him.

"Anyways I came back from an interview with a band that I don't remember their name I was suppose to meet them the next day but I couldn't because of what happened to me" I say finishing up.

"Well that sucks" Paula says.

"Yeah it does" I say facing Paula "Paula you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone about this"

"I promise with my life" Paula says.

"Good" I say cleaning my face with water.

I just became a Gorillaz fan last year lol and There's things that I fully don't know about them like why is 2D obsessed with painkiller, tell me in the comments pls but just know I'm a newbie to this band lol. Anyways love u....


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