C H A P T E R 10 : S i c k D a y

802 11 39

You (Y/N)

I wake up with the sounds of pans and mixing. I get off the bed and put on a robe in 2D's closet to cover my naked body. 

I walk downstairs as I see 2D in the kitchen mixing eggs and pancake batter. 

"Good morning beautiful" 2D says as I take a seat on the high chairs next to the stoves and sink. 

"Good morning handsome" I say tiredly.

'How'd yew sleep beautiful" 2D says flipping the pancakes.

"Good a bit in pain but good" I say as 2D stops and looks at me. 

"I told yew so-" I cut him of "I know I know you warned me last night Stu" 

"Yewr pussy hurts doesn't it well good luck walking throughout the day" 2D says. 

"Whatever besides what are you making" I say looking over. 

"An American breakfast, I youtubed it this morning so if it's bad don't blame me" 2D says. 

"Aww you did that for me" I say.

"Of course yewr my beautiful girlfriend and I love yew" 2D says.

2D then takes muffins out the oven. 

"Oh my god those smell delicious" I say sniffing them. 

Me and 2D then sit on the table together as I keep getting more impressed.

"Shit 2D I didn't know you could cook" I say covering my food from chewing.

"I always loved to cook and bake" 2D says taking a bite from his pancakes. 

I then get my phone and read my notifications as I almost choke. 

"OH MY GOD 2D" I say with my eyes widen.

"What is it?" 2D asks as I show him my phone.

2D's eyes widen as he also almost chokes on his food.

We then head to the band's apartment as we finished dressing up. 

I knock hard and fast as I impatiently wait for the door to open. 

Murdoc opens it "Um where were you guys last night-" 

I cut him off as I enter the apartment. Noodle and Russel both look our directions from the kitchen table. 

"Have you guys heard the news?" I say as everyone but 2D looks at me confused.

"What news?" Noodle says. 

"We've reached 3 spots on the billboard top 5!" I say trying to contain my excitement. 

"Let me see that" Murdoc says taking my phone from my hand "dear mother of god"

"Are you serious?" Noodle says walking over to us "Tryst is at number one, oh my god and Sex Act is at second as Big Ben is at third! Guys (Y/N) did it! I mean I believed in you always " 

"Not only that but our album is at number 1 too for billboards hot 100" I say "and no we did it" 

We all take a group hug as Murdoc walks away but is pulled by Russel. 

"I guess that means (Y/N) is the new leader" Murdoc says "and that yew proved me wrong, not bad kid"

We break apart from the group hug as Noodle accidentally hits 2D's forehead with her forearm. 

"Oh my god 2D your head is really warm are you okay?" Noodle says touching his forehead.

"Don't worry about it I'm fine" 2D says walking back. 

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