C H A P T E R 15 : P r e g n a n c y T e s t

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We've been touring and performing for 6 weeks now and it's been going well. Me and 2D have gotten back together and 2D has become very good friends with Noah.

Even after I told Noah that me and 2D got back together he was more than fine with it.

"Do yew promise we'll stay friends?" Noah said.

"Of course we will stay friends" I said hugging him.

Everything was going good until I woke up nauseous one morning. I go running to the bathroom as I feel the throw up coming. I throw up in the toilet as I didn't feel so good.

2D comes running to the bathroom without a shirt on.

"What's wrong not feeling good?" 2D says kneeing next to me. We've been sleeping together ever since we got back together.

"No.." I say as more throw up comes out of my mouth.

"Did yew drink last night?" 2D says raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know" I say laying my head on my elbow.

"Want some medicine?" 2D says.

"No I'm fine I'll feel better throughout the day" I say as I get up.

"Yew sure?" 2D says looking at me worried.

"Yeah I probably ate something bad last night and my body rejected it" I say pulling my hair back.

But it kept happening every morning now as I wasn't able to rehearse during rehearsals because I was too busy throwing up in the bathroom.

One morning when we were in New York City, Noodle came over while the others went out for breakfast as I stayed in the hotel room since the smell of eggs made me nauseous.

"Hey Noodle" I say opening the door for her.

"Hey how you feeling" Noodle says taking a seat.

"Not good my friend" I say sitting next to her "I've been throwing up non stop and it's been getting in my way in tour"

"Well have you had any ideas of what it could be?" Noodle says.

"Nope" I say shaking my head.

"Well have you had your period?" Just as Noodle says that I pause and look at her with my eyes wide opened.

"No" I say as I laugh awkwardly "You don't think I could be-" I pause again.

"Well I brought this just to be sure" Noodle says taking out a pregnancy test out of her bag. She hands it to me as I look at it scared.

"Noodle I- I can't be pregnant" I say.

"Then use the pregnancy test to be sure" Noodle says.

I then go to the bathroom as I open the box with my hands shaking the whole time. I read the instructions saying how one line means not pregnant and two lines means pregnant. I take out the pregnancy test as I sit on the toilet and pee on it.

I open the door as Noodle waits by the bathroom door.

"Now we wait" I say as we're then interrupted by 2D walking into the room.

I quickly hide the pregnancy test as me and Noodle both plaster a fake smile.

"Hey princess and Noodle" 2D says waving at us making his way to the closet.

"Hey (C/N)(Cute nickname)" I say holding the pregnancy test behind me.

"Just came to get my jacket hopefully I'm not interrupting anything" 2D says joking around.

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