C H A P T E R 19 : J u s t i c e

551 9 24


Today's the day we go to court to put Paula and Joey in prison where they belong. I've waited 3 months for this. I mostly want to see Paula suffer for what she put me through.

"Yew ready?" 2D says as he take (B/N) from my arms to carry her. 

I look in the mirror nervous to what's about to happen. I dressed up professionally as I was going to attend a job interview. 

"Yup" I say tying my ponytail back. 

We drive to court as we meet with the others there. I meet Noodle with her now boyfriend, Noah.

"You nervous?" Noodle says.

"A little" I say.  

"Paula is going to get what she deserves" 2D says putting one hand on my shoulder as he carries (B/N) with his other arm. 

Our lawyer walks up to us and introduces herself "Hi I'm Amy Brown I will be yewr lawyer for yewr case" 

"Hi I'm (Y/N) (L/N) I don't think we've met" I say since 2D chose my lawyer. 

"I've helped 2D with many of his cases" Amy says.

We have a small talk until we get informed to walk into court. I pass (B/N) to Noodle to carry as I walk in the front with my lawyer and 2D. 

Security walks in holding Paula and Joey in cuffs on the other side of the court with their lawyer.

I glare at both of them hard without looking away for a second. My hands turn into fists as 2D holds my arms down to calm me. 

"Don't bother" he whispers in my ear.

The judge walks in as we all stand and wait for his announcement to sit. 

He announces as we obey and start "so we're here for the kidnapping of (Y/N) and for battery because of an incident that happened last year caused by Paula Cracker and Joey Hull" he says as he goes through papers. 

The judge calls our lawyer first as she is fully ready and prepared to argue "yewr honor my client says that Mrs. Cracker and Mr. Hull has caused harm to her twice, including the kidnapping and battery which happened last year" 

The court goes on back and forth as arguments happen between my lawyer and Paula's. I can't stop staring at her and I'm sure she's getting bothered by it. 

"I call for witness" Paula's lawyer says "Mrs. (L/N) please come up"

I obey as I walk to the front and sit as a microphone stands in front of me. 

Paula's lawyer walks over to me as I look over at 2D and (B/N) and gulp really hard. 

"Mrs. (L/N) yew seem to accuse my clients for battery because of an incident that happened last year, is that correct?" the lawyer says.

"That is correct" I say.

"What exactly happened" the lawyer says.

I explain everything that happened to me that night as the whole room is quiet and all eyes are on me.

"Did anyone see?" the lawyer says as he puts a hand on the table that I'm sitting in "do yew have any witnesses?"

My heart drops as I realize that no one saw what happened to me "No I don't" 

"Then why accuse someone if yew don't have any evidence" the lawyer says walking away from me "no further questions yewr honor" 

I go back to my seat as 2D whispers in my ear "don't worry yew did great"

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