C H A P T E R 18 : A f t e r m a t h

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We get out of the hospital today after 2 nights of staying here. 2D was with me the whole time and never left my side. He helped me get in the shower he accompanied me when I went to sleep especially with what happened last night.

"Who's a good girl" 2D says playing with the baby in his arms as he sits next to me in the bed.

"Stu she's not a dog" I say giggling.

"Sorry it's just I've always wanted to have kids" 2D says.

"I know Noodle told me" I say as I adjust myself.

We start heading to the car as 2D pushes me with the wheelchair that I have to sit in. He opens the door revealing a baby seat.

"When did you get this?" I say.

"Oh yew know just hired a guy" 2D says as he takes (B/N) from my arms and into the baby seat.

"There she'll be nice and safe" 2D says.

I get in the front with 2D as he helped me get on and starts heading to the apartment.

"Hello fellas" 2D says walking into the apartment with the infant car stroller on his left hand.

"Whoa hello new dad" Noah says getting up from the couch.

Everyone else does the same as 2D places (B/N) on the kitchen counter and comes over to the car to help me get off.

"How you doing (Y/N)" Noodle says as she takes over to help me walk. 2D walks over to the guys by the kitchen counter to show off (B/N) to them.

"Just tired" I say as she places me on the couch.

"I'm glad to see you" Noodles says sitting in front of me "how'd it go?"

"Oh c'mon Noodle" I say laughing "it was horrible... birth is the most painful thing any woman can go through but at the end...." I look back at 2D and the others "it was worth it"

Noah walks over to us and sits next to me "so how'd it go?"

I roll my eyes "I already asked her dumbo" Noodle says punching Noah in the arm.

"Ow now that's not what I want in our date" Noah says.

"Wait Date..." I say.

"Oh yeah did I not mention that we're going on a date" Noodle says laughing nervously while giving Noah another punch.

"How did this happen" I say.

"Well turns out we have a lot in common" Noodle says.

"A lot more than yew, no offense" Noah says "I still love yew... as friends of course"

"This is crazy" I say amazed and surprised "well have fun"

"What are you going to do?" Noodle says.

"Well I'm tired and me and 2D got a baby to raise" I say.

"We'll tell you about it when we come back" Noodle says leaving with Noah.

2D then walks over to me "wanna head to bed"

"Yeah" I say taking a deep breath out.

He helps me get up "hey we'll see yew guys tomorrow"

2D takes me to the car and runs back into the apartment to get our baby.

"Where are we going?" I say confused.

"To our home" 2D says.

"What do you mean" I say.

"My flat is now under your name" 2D says "and that's not just it"

2D makes me close my eyes as we walk into the apartment. He takes (B/N)'s car seat stroller on his right hand and hear him place it down next to him.

"Now yew can open them" 2D says as I do so.

The apartment is remodeled making it more kid friendly. There are baby toys everywhere and a baby seat in the kitchen and a swing.

"Wow it's beautiful" I say looking around.

"Isn't it" 2D says looking around with me.

"Let me guess you hired someone?" I say.

"No... and yes... but the decorations I did them myself" 2D says.

"When?" I say.

"I might of sneaked out last night" 2D says.

"I mean look at this place and I can't believe they did this in a night" I say looking around.

"If Gordon Ramsey's remodeling crew from Kitchen Nightmares can do it in a night then my crew can do it too" 2D says.

"And the baby's room?" I say.

"It's up stairs and don't worry we'll still have our fun" 2D winks "she won't be able to hear yewr screams"

I roll my eyes as 2D grabs (B/N)'s infant seat.

We head into (B/N)'s room and I gasp "Oh my god Stuart it's beautiful"

It's filled with butterflies and a beautiful view to the city and enough space to play.

"Anything for my beautiful girl" 2D says placing (B/N) on her crib, he then turns around and grabs my hands with his "(Y/N).. I promise that'll I'll be a good father to our daughter"

"Oh Stu... you will" I say holding on to his cheek.

"Let's head to bed" 2D says pecking my lips.

Just as we make it to our bedroom I carefully throw myself to our bed "I am exhausted"

"I am too I was up all night decorating here" 2D says as he then turns over "I love yew"

"Wait did you hurried your ass to the hospital just before I woke up" I say.

"Oh it's not like I was illegally speed driving to the hospital and almost ran over 5 pedestrians" 2D says laughing nervously.

"Mhm" I say smirking.

We cuddle until we fall asleep, hours pass by as we get awaken by loud cries.

"Oh shit I forgot about this part" I say "Stu can you calm (B/N) down"

"Why me?" 2D says.

"Because I'm the one who gave birth" I say crossing my arms "also I haven't fully recovered"

"Fine" 2D says getting up.

He comes back with (B/N) in his bare arms feeding her with the baby bottle.

"See your doing great already" I say turning over as I hear 2D sigh.

"It's your turn when she cries next time in the middle of the night" 2D says.

"Got it" I say as I start sleeping with a smile.

Ya'll I've been gone for so long Ik :( But your girl is going through some things as well as doing online school ughh ....anyways this book is almost coming to end and I was thinking about a sequel and literally a shit load of ideas started happening in my brain lol

And yes I saw the Aries video and it was so good I have in replay!!! like daddy 2D said lol stay in, stay safe, and keep washing yewr hands... sweeeeeeet


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